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[aspell] help

From: Mohsen Emadi
Subject: [aspell] help
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 08:15:54 +0330 (IRT)

Dear Friends
 I'm trying to use Aspell for Farsi language. Do you know anybody
tried later for this porpuse? and is there anybody help me for the 
1- When  I create Farsi dat file with Unicode selected as it's  charset
 and I try to compile a master dictionary with the command "aspell
 --lang=Farsi create master ./base<wordlist"I receive the messege" the 
./unicode.dat  is not in proper format". what's the meaning of the  
messege? is it means that aspell couldn't accept Unicode as it's charset
2- Instead of unicode when I try to change the charset to ISO 8859-6 and 
I convert my wordlist to this charset, and by the command "aspell
 --lang=farsi create master ./base < wordlist"  I receive messeges like
this    "Invalid word "pv": The character '' may not appear at the
middle of a word.", and It seems that Aspell can't compile the wordlist
based on ISO 8859-6.


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