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RE: [Bug-gnubg] Gap in guestimated ratings?

From: Ian Shaw
Subject: RE: [Bug-gnubg] Gap in guestimated ratings?
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 09:56:58 -0000

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joern Thyssen

> > I currently have about 500 FIBS match logs.  Is there a 
> batch procedure
> > to allow gnubg to analyze all of them at one time, 
> hopefully producing a
> > text file as output from each match analysis?
> >From the mail headers I gather you run windows 95. There used to be a
> gnubg-no-gui.exe which is very useful for this purpose.
> You can write a DOS batch file like the following unix shell script:
> #!/bin/sh
> for ff in *.fibs; do
>     $sgf=`echo $ff | sed -e 's/\.fibs/.sgf/g'
>     gnubg t < EOF >> run.log
> set priority idle
> import fibs $ff
> analyse match
> save match $sgf
> show score
> show stat match
> done
> Maybe someone can help re-writing this into a DOS batch file?
> >From the produced file run.log we can extract the match 
> length and the
> error rate per decision.
> Jørn

Here is my solution. I haven't used it for a few months, but it should work. 
I'm no batch file programmer, so this may be a most inelegant solution.

I have two batch files, Analyse.bat and AnalyseAll.bat, and a command file 
Analyse.txt is the commands you want to run. You should add the "show score" 
etc commands here. It is stored in C:\gnubg\commands.
Analyse.bat runs Analyse.txt from the command line and stores the results in a 
AnalyseAll.bat runs Analyse.bat for all files in the C:\gnubg\matches\raw 
directory and store the results in the C:\gnubg\matches\analysed directory. 

You may need to tweak the directories to suit yourself.



load command ImportFile.txt
analyse match
load command SaveFile.txt



echo off
REM Check to see if the filename was entered with or without a .mat extension. 
If so, strip it off.
set filename=%1
set ext=%filename:~-4%
IF %ext%==.mat (set file=%filename:~0,-4%)ELSE set file=%filename%

REM Create command files that GnuBg will load to import the .mat file and save 
it as .sgf once the analysis is complete.
echo import mat matches\raw\%file%.mat > ImportFile.txt
echo save match matches\analysed\%file%.sgf > SaveFile.txt
IF NOT EXIST matches\analysed\%file%.sgf (C:\gnubg\gnubg-no-gui.exe< 
commands\analyse.txt) ELSE echo %file%.mat is already analysed
del ImportFile.txt SaveFile.txt
echo on



FOR %%v IN (matches/raw/*.mat) DO analyse %%v



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