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Re: Turning completion table lambdas into symbols

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: Turning completion table lambdas into symbols
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2023 02:36:09 +0200
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On 29/11/2023 21:26, Spencer Baugh wrote:
For CAPF and Company, we also discussed the idea of a "session object"
some time ago, but that's not in the current API so far.
Right, I think I'd much rather some kind of "session object" at the
level of completing-read/the programmed completion API.

Do you have a link to the previous discussion?

It's been here and there, but the last mention was right in the middle of this:


I haven't thought too much about it, but maybe some new dynamic variable
which is bound to nil at the top level of completing-read-default, so
the completion table can change it over time and preserve state through
the course of the completion.  Works fine with nested completing-reads.

That could work. If you further progress on this (in a new thread?), I suggest you tag all the interested parties (or include Stefan, at least).

Alternatively, if today a completion table is always invoked with the
same current buffer (probably the case?), we could formalize that and
just let a completion table store state in buffer-local variables.
Maybe with some new 'initialize operation in completion tables which is
called when a new completing-read starts, or maybe the completion table
can just detect that somehow and initialize the variables itself.  That
is nicer than having a single variable which all completion tables
share.  However, completion table writers would need to be careful not
to break when doing nested completing-reads on the same table.

It's not rocket science, but the hard part is to pick a protocol that's backward-compatible and weave it through all the related pieces of code.

Also see the note about backspacing around here: https://github.com/minad/corfu/wiki#configuring-corfu-for-eglot (where doing an edit before the current BEG doesn't abort completion but does make the cache invalid), but that might be something to handle in the caching logic anyway.

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