(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[gGo:0.2]ST[1]GN[example] SZ[19]KM[0.0] PW[White]PB[Black] ;AB[dd][dj][dp][jd][jj][jp][pd][pj][pp] ;W[fc] ;B[cf] ;W[nc] ;B[oc] ;W[nd] ;B[pf] ;W[qh] ;B[qf] ;W[oh] ;B[pm] ;W[nq] ;B[fq] ;W[cn] ;B[lq] ;W[qq] ;B[qp] ;W[pq] ;B[en]C[This kenuki of black makes white so happy.] ;W[op] ;B[bo]C[This move is just like the previous one] ;W[qm]C[Now on the right side there are 7 white stones against 4 black stones.] ;B[pn] ;W[ql] ;B[rk] ;W[pl] ;B[ol] ;W[qn] ;B[oo] ;W[ok] ;B[pk] ;W[nl] ;B[om] ;W[rp] ;B[bm]C[Black makes yet another extra move on the lower left corner. As we can see later, there is still some chance for white to move around.] ;W[qo] ;B[nk] ;W[oj] ;B[ml] ;W[pi] ;B[fe] ;W[hd] ;B[he] ;W[ie] ;B[eb] ;W[id] ;B[lc] ;W[le] ;B[me] ;W[ld] ;B[jc] ;W[hb] ;B[md] ;W[mc] ;B[kb] ;W[od] ;B[ob] ;W[nb] ;B[qc] ;W[mf] ;B[mb] ;W[ma] ;B[la] ;W[lb] ;B[hg] ;W[kc] ;B[lo] ;W[em]C[Now let's see what happens here.] ;B[dm] ;W[fn] ;B[fm] ;W[el] ;B[dn] ;W[dl] ;B[nj] ;W[oi] ;B[mh]C[Again black makes a 'pass' for the lower left corner.] ;W[cj] ;B[ci] ;W[ck] ;B[di] ;W[cm] ;B[co] ;W[bl] ;B[bn] ;W[fk] ;B[gn] ;W[hk] ;B[il] ;W[gm] ;B[ge]C[This kenuki really gives white a big chance.] ;W[fo] ;B[hn] ;W[hl] ;B[bi] ;W[ik] ;B[bj] ;W[im] ;B[jl]C[Now in normal cases, white will live without problem.] )