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[PULL 05/15] Hexagon (target/hexagon) Make generators object oriented -

From: Brian Cain
Subject: [PULL 05/15] Hexagon (target/hexagon) Make generators object oriented - gen_helper_protos
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 22:34:51 -0800

From: Taylor Simpson <ltaylorsimpson@gmail.com>

Signed-off-by: Taylor Simpson <ltaylorsimpson@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Brian Cain <bcain@quicinc.com>
Message-Id: <20231210220712.491494-4-ltaylorsimpson@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Brian Cain <bcain@quicinc.com>
 target/hexagon/gen_helper_protos.py | 149 ++--------------------------
 target/hexagon/hex_common.py        |   7 --
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)

diff --git a/target/hexagon/gen_helper_protos.py 
index 131043795a..c82b0f54e4 100755
--- a/target/hexagon/gen_helper_protos.py
+++ b/target/hexagon/gen_helper_protos.py
@@ -22,39 +22,6 @@
 import string
 import hex_common
-## Helpers for gen_helper_prototype
-def_helper_types = {
-    "N": "s32",
-    "O": "s32",
-    "P": "s32",
-    "M": "s32",
-    "C": "s32",
-    "R": "s32",
-    "V": "ptr",
-    "Q": "ptr",
-def_helper_types_pair = {
-    "R": "s64",
-    "C": "s64",
-    "S": "s64",
-    "G": "s64",
-    "V": "ptr",
-    "Q": "ptr",
-def gen_def_helper_opn(f, tag, regtype, regid, i):
-    if hex_common.is_pair(regid):
-        f.write(f", {def_helper_types_pair[regtype]}")
-    elif hex_common.is_single(regid):
-        f.write(f", {def_helper_types[regtype]}")
-    else:
-        hex_common.bad_register(regtype, regid)
 ## Generate the DEF_HELPER prototype for an instruction
 ##     For A2_add: Rd32=add(Rs32,Rt32)
@@ -65,116 +32,15 @@ def gen_helper_prototype(f, tag, tagregs, tagimms):
     regs = tagregs[tag]
     imms = tagimms[tag]
-    numresults = 0
-    numscalarresults = 0
-    numscalarreadwrite = 0
-    for regtype, regid in regs:
-        if hex_common.is_written(regid):
-            numresults += 1
-            if hex_common.is_scalar_reg(regtype):
-                numscalarresults += 1
-        if hex_common.is_readwrite(regid):
-            if hex_common.is_scalar_reg(regtype):
-                numscalarreadwrite += 1
+    declared = []
+    ret_type = hex_common.helper_ret_type(tag, regs).proto_arg
+    declared.append(ret_type)
-    if numscalarresults > 1:
-        ## The helper is bogus when there is more than one result
-        f.write(f"DEF_HELPER_1({tag}, void, env)\n")
-    else:
-        ## Figure out how many arguments the helper will take
-        if numscalarresults == 0:
-            def_helper_size = len(regs) + len(imms) + numscalarreadwrite + 1
-            if hex_common.need_pkt_has_multi_cof(tag):
-                def_helper_size += 1
-            if hex_common.need_pkt_need_commit(tag):
-                def_helper_size += 1
-            if hex_common.need_part1(tag):
-                def_helper_size += 1
-            if hex_common.need_slot(tag):
-                def_helper_size += 1
-            if hex_common.need_PC(tag):
-                def_helper_size += 1
-            if hex_common.helper_needs_next_PC(tag):
-                def_helper_size += 1
-            if hex_common.need_condexec_reg(tag, regs):
-                def_helper_size += 1
-            f.write(f"DEF_HELPER_{def_helper_size}({tag}")
-            ## The return type is void
-            f.write(", void")
-        else:
-            def_helper_size = len(regs) + len(imms) + numscalarreadwrite
-            if hex_common.need_pkt_has_multi_cof(tag):
-                def_helper_size += 1
-            if hex_common.need_pkt_need_commit(tag):
-                def_helper_size += 1
-            if hex_common.need_part1(tag):
-                def_helper_size += 1
-            if hex_common.need_slot(tag):
-                def_helper_size += 1
-            if hex_common.need_PC(tag):
-                def_helper_size += 1
-            if hex_common.need_condexec_reg(tag, regs):
-                def_helper_size += 1
-            if hex_common.helper_needs_next_PC(tag):
-                def_helper_size += 1
-            f.write(f"DEF_HELPER_{def_helper_size}({tag}")
+    for arg in hex_common.helper_args(tag, regs, imms):
+        declared.append(arg.proto_arg)
-        ## Generate the qemu DEF_HELPER type for each result
-        ## Iterate over this list twice
-        ## - Emit the scalar result
-        ## - Emit the vector result
-        i = 0
-        for regtype, regid in regs:
-            if hex_common.is_written(regid):
-                if not hex_common.is_hvx_reg(regtype):
-                    gen_def_helper_opn(f, tag, regtype, regid, i)
-                i += 1
-        ## Put the env between the outputs and inputs
-        f.write(", env")
-        i += 1
-        # Second pass
-        for regtype, regid in regs:
-            if hex_common.is_written(regid):
-                if hex_common.is_hvx_reg(regtype):
-                    gen_def_helper_opn(f, tag, regtype, regid, i)
-                    i += 1
-        ## For conditional instructions, we pass in the destination register
-        if "A_CONDEXEC" in hex_common.attribdict[tag]:
-            for regtype, regid in regs:
-                if hex_common.is_writeonly(regid) and not 
-                    regtype
-                ):
-                    gen_def_helper_opn(f, tag, regtype, regid, i)
-                    i += 1
-        ## Generate the qemu type for each input operand (regs and immediates)
-        for regtype, regid in regs:
-            if hex_common.is_read(regid):
-                if hex_common.is_hvx_reg(regtype) and 
-                    continue
-                gen_def_helper_opn(f, tag, regtype, regid, i)
-                i += 1
-        for immlett, bits, immshift in imms:
-            f.write(", s32")
-        ## Add the arguments for the instruction pkt_has_multi_cof,
-        ## pkt_needs_commit, PC, next_PC, slot, and part1 (if needed)
-        if hex_common.need_pkt_has_multi_cof(tag):
-            f.write(", i32")
-        if hex_common.need_pkt_need_commit(tag):
-            f.write(', i32')
-        if hex_common.need_PC(tag):
-            f.write(", i32")
-        if hex_common.helper_needs_next_PC(tag):
-            f.write(", i32")
-        if hex_common.need_slot(tag):
-            f.write(", i32")
-        if hex_common.need_part1(tag):
-            f.write(" , i32")
-        f.write(")\n")
+    arguments = ", ".join(declared)
+    f.write(f"DEF_HELPER_{len(declared) - 1}({tag}, {arguments})\n")
 def main():
@@ -195,6 +61,7 @@ def main():
     if is_idef_parser_enabled:
+    hex_common.init_registers()
     tagregs = hex_common.get_tagregs()
     tagimms = hex_common.get_tagimms()
diff --git a/target/hexagon/hex_common.py b/target/hexagon/hex_common.py
index 979f198a30..2abd653e6d 100755
--- a/target/hexagon/hex_common.py
+++ b/target/hexagon/hex_common.py
@@ -290,13 +290,6 @@ def need_pkt_has_multi_cof(tag):
 def need_pkt_need_commit(tag):
     return 'A_IMPLICIT_WRITES_USR' in attribdict[tag]
-def need_condexec_reg(tag, regs):
-    if "A_CONDEXEC" in attribdict[tag]:
-        for regtype, regid in regs:
-            if is_writeonly(regid) and not is_hvx_reg(regtype):
-                return True
-    return False
 def skip_qemu_helper(tag):
     return tag in overrides.keys()

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