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tramp (2.0.25); Hangs on connect

From: Ian Bicking
Subject: tramp (2.0.25); Hangs on connect
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 03:36:54 -0500

Enter your bug report in this message, including as much detail as you
possibly can about the problem, what you did to cause it and what the
local and remote machines are.

If you can give a simple set of instructions to make this bug happen
reliably, please include those.  Thank you for helping kill bugs in

Another useful thing to do is to put (setq tramp-debug-buffer t) in
the ~/.emacs file and to repeat the bug.  Then, include the contents
of the *tramp/foo* buffer and the *debug tramp/foo* buffer in your bug

--bug report follows this line--

The connection is hanging when I try to ssh as root to a computer.  It
seems to work fine if I go in as a normal user.  I'm pretty sure the
problem started when I installed tramp v2 (via the Debian package).
The target box is a pretty plain Debian installation, no customization
done to .bashrc or anything else.

I've included the *debug...* output both for the failed root login,
and the successful non-root login.

*tramp/ssh address@hidden

$ $ 

*debug tramp ...*

# Opening connection for address@hidden using ssh...
# Waiting for prompts from remote shell
# Waiting 60s for prompt from remote shell
# Found remote shell prompt.
# Initializing remote shell
$ exec env PS1='$ ' /bin/sh
# Waiting 30s for remote `/bin/sh' to come up...
exec env 'PS1=$ ' /bin/sh
$ # Setting up remote shell environment
stty -inlcr -echo kill '^U'
$ $ # Determining coding system
$ # Trying `stty -onlcr'

*tramp/ssh address@hidden

tramp_exit_status 0

*debug tramp ...*

# Opening connection for address@hidden using ssh...
# Waiting for prompts from remote shell
# Waiting 60s for prompt from remote shell
# Found remote shell prompt.
# Initializing remote shell
$ exec env PS1='$ ' /bin/sh
# Waiting 30s for remote `/bin/sh' to come up...
$ # Setting up remote shell environment
$ $ # Determining coding system
$ # Waiting 30s for `HISTFILE=$HOME/.tramp_history; HISTSIZE=1'
$ # Waiting 30s for `set +o vi +o emacs'
$ # Waiting 30s for `unset MAIL MAILCHECK MAILPATH'
$ # Waiting 30s for `unset CDPATH'
$ # Setting shell prompt
$ PS1='
'; PS2=''; PS3=''
$ echo ~root
# Remote `/bin/sh' groks tilde expansion, good
# Finding command to check if file exists
$ test -e / 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 0
$ test -e /\ this\ file\ does\ not\ exist\  2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status 
tramp_exit_status 1
# Finding a suitable `ls' command
# Checking remote `/bin/ls' command for `-n' option
$ test -x /bin/ls 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 0
# Testing remote command `/bin/ls' for -n...
$ /bin/ls -lnd / >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 0
# Testing remote command `/bin/ls' for -n...okay
# Using remote command `/bin/ls' for getting directory listings
$ tramp_set_exit_status () {
return $1
$ test -e /bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 0
$ ( test -d /bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? )
tramp_exit_status 0
$ test -e /usr/bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 0
$ ( test -d /usr/bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? )
tramp_exit_status 0
$ test -e /usr/sbin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 0
$ ( test -d /usr/sbin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? )
tramp_exit_status 0
$ test -e /usr/local/bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 0
$ ( test -d /usr/local/bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? )
tramp_exit_status 0
$ test -e /usr/ccs/bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 1
$ test -e /local/bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 1
$ test -e /local/freeware/bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 1
$ test -e /local/gnu/bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 1
$ test -e /usr/freeware/bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 1
$ test -e /usr/pkg/bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 1
$ test -e /usr/contrib/bin 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 1
$ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin; export PATH
$ LC_TIME=C; export LC_TIME; echo huhu
$ mesg n; echo huhu
$ biff n ; echo huhu
$ unalias ls; echo huhu
sh: unalias: ls: not found
$ ( test / -nt / )
$ tramp_test_nt () {
test -n "`find $1 -prune -newer $2 -print`"
$ tramp_uudecode () {
(echo begin 600 /tmp/tramp.$$; tail +2) | uudecode
cat /tmp/tramp.$$
rm -f /tmp/tramp.$$
$ while read d; do if test -x $d/perl5 -a -f $d/perl5; then echo 
tramp_executable $d/perl5; break; fi; done <<'EOF'
$ /bin
$ /usr/bin
$ /usr/sbin
$ /usr/local/bin
$ /usr/ccs/bin
$ /local/bin
$ /local/freeware/bin
$ /local/gnu/bin
$ /usr/freeware/bin
$ /usr/pkg/bin
$ /usr/contrib/bin
$ while read d; do if test -x $d/perl -a -f $d/perl; then echo tramp_executable 
$d/perl; break; fi; done <<'EOF'
$ /bin
$ /usr/bin
$ /usr/sbin
$ /usr/local/bin
$ /usr/ccs/bin
$ /local/bin
$ /local/freeware/bin
$ /local/gnu/bin
$ /usr/freeware/bin
$ /usr/pkg/bin
$ /usr/contrib/bin
tramp_executable /usr/bin/perl
# Sending the Perl `file-attributes' implementation.
$ tramp_file_attributes () {
/usr/bin/perl -e '$f = $ARGV[0];
@s = lstat($f);
if (($s[2] & 0170000) == 0120000) { $l = readlink($f); $l = "\"$l\""; }
elsif (($s[2] & 0170000) == 040000) { $l = "t"; }
else { $l = "nil" };
printf("(%s %u %d %d (%u %u) (%u %u) (%u %u) %u %u t (%u . %u) (%u %u))\n",
$l, $s[3], $s[4], $s[5], $s[8] >> 16 & 0xffff, $s[8] & 0xffff,
$s[9] >> 16 & 0xffff, $s[9] & 0xffff, $s[10] >> 16 & 0xffff, $s[10] & 0xffff,
$s[7], $s[2], $s[1] >> 16 & 0xffff, $s[1] & 0xffff, $s[0] >> 16 & 0xffff, $s[0] 
& 0xffff);' $1 2>/dev/null
# Sending the Perl `mime-encode' implementations.
$ tramp_encode () {
/usr/bin/perl -e '
# This script contributed by Juanma Barranquero <address@hidden>.
# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
use strict;

my %trans = do {
    my $i = 0;
    map {(substr(unpack(q(B8), chr $i++), 2, 6), $_)}
      split //, 


# We read in chunks of 54 bytes, to generate output lines
# of 72 chars (plus end of line)
$/ = \54;

while (my $data = <STDIN>) {
    my $pad = q();

    # Only for the last chunk, and only if did not fill the last three-byte 
    if (eof) {
        my $mod = length($data) % 3;
        $pad = q(=) x (3 - $mod) if $mod;

    # Not the fastest method, but it is simple: unpack to binary string, split
    # by groups of 6 bits and convert back from binary to byte; then map into
    # the translation table
      join q(),
            (substr(unpack(q(B*), $data) . q(00000), 0, 432) =~ /....../g)),
' 2>/dev/null
$ tramp_encode_with_module () {
perl -MMIME::Base64 -0777 -ne 'print encode_base64($_)' 2>/dev/null
# Sending the Perl `mime-decode' implementations.
$ tramp_decode () {
/usr/bin/perl -e '
# This script contributed by Juanma Barranquero <address@hidden>.
# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
use strict;

my %trans = do {
    my $i = 0;
    map {($_, substr(unpack(q(B8), chr $i++), 2, 6))}
      split //, 

my %bytes = map {(unpack(q(B8), chr $_), chr $_)} 0 .. 255;


# We are going to accumulate into $pending to accept any line length
# (we do not check they are <= 76 chars as the RFC says)
my $pending = q();

while (my $data = <STDIN>) {
    chomp $data;

    # If we find one or two =, we have reached the end and
    # any following data is to be discarded
    my $finished = $data =~ s/(==?).*/$1/;
    $pending .= $data;

    my $len = length($pending);
    my $chunk = substr($pending, 0, $len & ~3);

    # Easy method: translate from chars to (pregenerated) six-bit packets, join,
    # split in 8-bit chunks and convert back to char.
    print join q(),
      map $bytes{$_},
        ((join q(), map {$trans{$_} || q()} split //, $chunk) =~ /......../g);

    last if $finished;
' 2>/dev/null
$ tramp_decode_with_module () {
perl -MMIME::Base64 -0777 -ne 'print decode_base64($_)' 2>/dev/null
$ while read d; do if test -x $d/ln -a -f $d/ln; then echo tramp_executable 
$d/ln; break; fi; done <<'EOF'
$ /bin
$ /usr/bin
$ /usr/sbin
$ /usr/local/bin
$ /usr/ccs/bin
$ /local/bin
$ /local/freeware/bin
$ /local/gnu/bin
$ /usr/freeware/bin
$ /usr/pkg/bin
$ /usr/contrib/bin
tramp_executable /bin/ln
# Checking remote encoding command `mimencode -b' for sanity
$ ( mimencode -b </dev/null 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? )
tramp_exit_status 0
# Checking remote decoding command `mimencode -u -b' for sanity
$ ( echo xyzzy | mimencode -b | mimencode -u -b 2>/dev/null; echo 
tramp_exit_status $? )
tramp_exit_status 0
# Checking to see if encoding/decoding commands work on remote host...
$ echo xyzzy | mimencode -b | mimencode -u -b
# Checking to see if encoding/decoding commands work on remote host...done
$ cd / 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 0
$ /bin/ls -a  2>/dev/null | while read f; do if test -d "$f" 2>/dev/null; then 
echo "$f/"; else echo "$f"; fi; done
$ cd
$ test -e / 2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $? 
tramp_exit_status 0

Emacs  : XEmacs 21.4 (patch 8) "Honest Recruiter" [Lucid] (i386-debian-linux) 
of Tue Aug  6 2002 on eeyore
Package: tramp (2.0.25)

current state:
 tramp-ls-command nil
 tramp-test-groks-nt nil
 tramp-file-exists-command nil
 tramp-current-multi-method nil
 tramp-current-method nil
 tramp-current-user nil
 tramp-current-host nil
 tramp-auto-save-directory nil
 tramp-default-method "scp"
 tramp-rsh-end-of-line "\n"
 tramp-password-end-of-line "\n"
 tramp-remote-path '("/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/sbin" "/usr/local/bin"
                     "/usr/ccs/bin" "/local/bin" "/local/freeware/bin"
                     "/local/gnu/bin" "/usr/freeware/bin" "/usr/pkg/bin"
 tramp-login-prompt-regexp ".*ogin: *"
 tramp-password-prompt-regexp "^.*\\([pP]assword\\|passphrase.*\\):? *"
 tramp-wrong-passwd-regexp "^.*\\(?:Connection \\(?:closed\\|refused\\)\\|Host 
key verification failed\\.\\|Login \\(?:Incorrect\\|incorrect\\)\\|Name or 
service not known\\|Permission denied\\.\\|Sorry, try 
again\\.\\).*\\|^.*\\(Received signal [0-9]+\\).*"
 tramp-yesno-prompt-regexp "\\(?:Are you sure you want to continue connecting 
 tramp-yn-prompt-regexp "\\(?:Store key in cache\\? (y/n)\\)\\s-*"
 tramp-temp-name-prefix "tramp."
 tramp-file-name-structure '("^/\\[\\(\\([a-zA-Z_0-9-]+\\)/\\)?\\(\\([^:@/      
]*\\)@\\)?\\([a-zA-Z0-9_.#-]*\\)\\]\\(.*$\\)" 2 4 5 6)
 tramp-file-name-regexp "\\`/\\[.*\\]"
'("^/\\[\\(\\([a-zA-Z_0-9-]+\\)\\)?\\(\\(/%s\\)+\\)?\\]\\(.*$\\)" 2 3 -1)
 tramp-multi-file-name-hop-structure '("\\([a-zA-Z_0-9-]+\\):\\([^:@/   
]*\\)@\\([a-zA-Z0-9_.#-]*\\)" 1 2 3)
 tramp-multi-methods '("multi" "multiu")
 tramp-multi-connection-function-alist '(("telnet" tramp-multi-connect-telnet
                                          "telnet %h%n")
                                         ("rsh" tramp-multi-connect-rlogin
                                          "rsh %h -l %u%n")
                                         ("ssh" tramp-multi-connect-rlogin
                                          "ssh %h -l %u%n")
                                         ("su" tramp-multi-connect-su
                                          "su - %u%n")
                                         ("sudo" tramp-multi-connect-su
                                          "sudo -u %u -s%n")
 tramp-methods '(("rcp" (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "rsh") (tramp-rcp-program "rcp")
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args nil)
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg "-p")
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                 ("scp" (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "ssh") (tramp-rcp-program "scp")
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args ("-e" "none"))
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg "-p")
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "ssh") (tramp-rcp-program "scp")
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh")
                  (tramp-rsh-args ("-1" "-e" "none")) (tramp-rcp-args ("-1"))
                  (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg "-p") (tramp-su-program nil)
                  (tramp-su-args nil) (tramp-telnet-program nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "ssh") (tramp-rcp-program "scp")
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh")
                  (tramp-rsh-args ("-2" "-e" "none")) (tramp-rcp-args ("-2"))
                  (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg "-p") (tramp-su-program nil)
                  (tramp-su-args nil) (tramp-telnet-program nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "ssh1") (tramp-rcp-program "scp1")
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args ("-e" "none"))
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg "-p")
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "ssh2") (tramp-rcp-program "scp2")
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args ("-e" "none"))
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg "-p")
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "ssh") (tramp-rcp-program "rsync")
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args ("-e" "none"))
                  (tramp-rcp-args ("-e" "ssh"))
                  (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg "-t") (tramp-su-program nil)
                  (tramp-su-args nil) (tramp-telnet-program nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                 ("rsh" (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "rsh") (tramp-rcp-program nil)
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args nil)
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg nil)
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                 ("ssh" (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "ssh") (tramp-rcp-program nil)
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args ("-e" "none"))
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg nil)
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "ssh") (tramp-rcp-program nil)
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh")
                  (tramp-rsh-args ("-1" "-e" "none")) (tramp-rcp-args ("-1"))
                  (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg nil) (tramp-su-program nil)
                  (tramp-su-args nil) (tramp-telnet-program nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "ssh") (tramp-rcp-program nil)
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh")
                  (tramp-rsh-args ("-2" "-e" "none")) (tramp-rcp-args ("-2"))
                  (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg nil) (tramp-su-program nil)
                  (tramp-su-args nil) (tramp-telnet-program nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "ssh1") (tramp-rcp-program nil)
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args ("-e" "none"))
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg nil)
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "ssh2") (tramp-rcp-program nil)
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args ("-e" "none"))
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg nil)
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-telnet)
                  (tramp-rsh-program nil) (tramp-rcp-program nil)
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args nil)
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg nil)
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program "telnet") (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                 ("su" (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-su)
                  (tramp-rsh-program nil) (tramp-rcp-program nil)
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args nil)
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg nil)
                  (tramp-su-program "su") (tramp-su-args ("-" "%u"))
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                 ("sudo" (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-su)
                  (tramp-rsh-program nil) (tramp-rcp-program nil)
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args nil)
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg nil)
                  (tramp-su-program "sudo") (tramp-su-args ("-u" "%u" "-s"))
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-multi)
                  (tramp-rsh-program nil) (tramp-rcp-program nil)
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args nil)
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg nil)
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "ssh") (tramp-rcp-program "scp")
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh")
                  (tramp-rsh-args ("-e" "none" "-t" "-t" "/bin/sh"))
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg "-p")
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "ssh") (tramp-rcp-program nil)
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh")
                  (tramp-rsh-args ("-e" "none" "-t" "-t" "/bin/sh"))
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg nil)
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "krlogin") (tramp-rcp-program nil)
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args ("-x"))
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg nil)
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "plink") (tramp-rcp-program nil)
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args ("-ssh"))
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg nil)
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                  (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "plink") (tramp-rcp-program "pscp")
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh") (tramp-rsh-args ("-ssh"))
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg "-p")
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
                 ("fcp" (tramp-connection-function tramp-open-connection-rsh)
                  (tramp-rsh-program "fsh") (tramp-rcp-program "fcp")
                  (tramp-remote-sh "/bin/sh -i") (tramp-rsh-args ("sh" "-i"))
                  (tramp-rcp-args nil) (tramp-rcp-keep-date-arg "-p")
                  (tramp-su-program nil) (tramp-su-args nil)
                  (tramp-telnet-program nil) (tramp-telnet-args nil))
 tramp-end-of-output "///c29a5b235a5060c2aba138bf20461229"
 tramp-coding-commands '(("mimencode -b" "mimencode -u -b"
                          base64-encode-region base64-decode-region)
                         ("mmencode -b" "mmencode -u -b" base64-encode-region
                         ("recode data..base64" "recode"
                          base64-encode-region base64-decode-region)
                         ("uuencode xxx" "uudecode -o -"
                          tramp-uuencode-region uudecode-decode-region)
                         ("uuencode xxx" "uudecode -p" tramp-uuencode-region
                         ("uuencode xxx" "tramp_uudecode"
                          tramp-uuencode-region uudecode-decode-region)
                          "tramp_decode_with_module" base64-encode-region
                         ("tramp_encode" "tramp_decode" base64-encode-region
 tramp-actions-before-shell '((tramp-password-prompt-regexp
                              (tramp-login-prompt-regexp tramp-action-login)
                              (shell-prompt-pattern tramp-action-succeed)
                              (tramp-yesno-prompt-regexp tramp-action-yesno)
                              (tramp-yn-prompt-regexp tramp-action-yn)
 tramp-multi-actions '((tramp-password-prompt-regexp
                       (tramp-login-prompt-regexp tramp-multi-action-login)
                       (shell-prompt-pattern tramp-multi-action-succeed)
                       (tramp-shell-prompt-pattern tramp-multi-action-succeed)
 tramp-terminal-type "dumb"
 tramp-shell-prompt-pattern "^[^#$%>\n]*[#$%>] *"
 shell-prompt-pattern "^[^#$%>\n]*[#$%>] *"
 backup-by-copying nil
 backup-by-copying-when-linked nil
 backup-by-copying-when-mismatch nil
 nil nil
 file-name-handler-alist '(("^/\\([[][^]]*\\)?$" .
                           ("\\`/\\[.*\\]" . tramp-file-name-handler)
                           ("^/[^/:]+:" . remote-path-file-handler-function))

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