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Re: [Acl-devel] Default acl not respected when copying

From: Andreas Grünbacher
Subject: Re: [Acl-devel] Default acl not respected when copying
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 21:15:03 +0200

2014-10-14 15:57 GMT+02:00 Michael Orlitzky <address@hidden>:
> This is a bug in 'cp'.

Michael, there is no bug in cp, cp behaves as specified.

There are two ways how cp can copy a file: either with permissions
(--preserve=mode) or without.

 * When cp preserves permissions, then the source and target file should
   obviously end up with the same permissions.

 * When cp does not perserve permissions, then target files/directories
   should be created with the file mode permission bits of their
   corresponding source files/directories as the create mode. This
   means that the file mode permission bits of the target file/directory
   will be equal or a subset of the file mode permission bits of the source
   file/directory, depending on the default acl. See the acl(5) man page
   for the details.


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