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[Adonthell-devel] What's next?

From: Kai Sterker
Subject: [Adonthell-devel] What's next?
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 14:56:45 +0100

Now that I managed to get things running on OS X, it's time to think about the next steps.

For one, there are a few bits and pieces of v0.3 that we will also need in v0.4. Among those are

* gametime: in-game time and date classes, used to trigger scripts and actions. It'll sit on top of the timer class, but it will belong to the event system.

* event system: the connection between engine and event scripts. While I do not want to touch the foundations of that, I am thinking of a different approach
  for the interface between event system and Python:

Right now, one event matches one python script, which means that each event contains a complete python class instance. That will get quite inefficient if a map contains plenty of scripts.

Take the simple teleport script, for example:

  class teleport:
      def __init__ (self, eventinstance, smdest, xdest, ydest, destdir):
          self.smdest = smdest
          self.xdest = xdest
          self.ydest = ydest
          self.destdir = destdir

      def run (self, submap, x, y, dir, name):
          events.switch_submap (adonthell.gamedata_get_character (name),
              self.smdest, self.xdest, self.ydest, self.destdir)

A new instance is constructed for each exit that exists on a map, and that will be quite a few, especially for buildings. The reason for that is that the data for the script is stored in the script itself. That means it cannot be reused very well.

But if we'd store the event data with the event and pass it to the script at runtime, we could do with a single instance of the script that'll work for all teleports. Like this:

class teleport:
    def teleport (self, loc, dest):
events.switch_submap (adonthell.gamedata_get_character (,
            dest.smdest, dest.xdest, dest.ydest, dest.destdir)

- loc (location) is a structure containing the current position and name of the
  character triggering the event.
- dest (destination) is the same structure, containing the place that character
  should be teleported to.

To register a method with the event system, you'd use a event::register (string script, string callback) method. It will load the script into a pool, if neccessary, and connect the callback. That means, one python class can contain many different callbacks. That way, all special events of a map could be placed into a single script instead of having plenty scripts per map. That'll help keeping the game_events directory tidy, which is quite a mess at present. It should also speed up loading, as no script will be loaded twice. And it will simplify the event system, which only needs to store python callbacks, instead of both classes and callbacks.

* characters: that includes everything from base character to inventories, items and also combat related things. While inventories and items shouldn't need any changes, I'll have to review the combat related code (character stats and
  such) somewhat. Help with that will be greatly appreciated :-).

* character schedules: like the event scripts, the character schedule system of v0.3 should undergo some considerable changes. As I wrote earlier, NPC actions should become more realistic. That can be achieved with the following methods:

- Each character will have a master schedule that defines its actions during
    the day (or another period of time).
- Each action is detailed in a script of its own, so that actions can be reused between characters. (That means, the parameters for actions are
    defined in the master schedule)
  - Characters can receive messages that override the master schedule. A
message will simply start a certain action. Messages may come from game
    events, other NPCs, etc ...

Alltogether, NPCs will be able to act much more diverse on their own, but they will also be able to interact much more with their environment. And as a whole, writing character scripts should become much easier, as the master schedules can rely on the available action scripts. So a few simple actions (goto, take, put, speak, ...) can be easily combined to form individual NPC
  behaviour or more complex actions (guard, entertain, chase, ...).

* dialogue engine: no need to change that, I think. What needs the change is the the gui which received some criticism in the past. I'd like to have something where players can review the whole conversation if they want, and where it is also clear how many choices there are. All that should work with just the Up
  and Down key + Enter/Space.

What will be further refined is the dialogue editor, however. If I manage, I'll finally implement the subdialogue feature, which means that pieces of dialogue can also be reused, either for different dialogues of the same
  character or even for different characters. But that'll come last ...

Okay, I think that covers everything I have originally worked on. Porting it to v0.4 may take a while, as there are a few things to rewrite. But once it is done, we'll have a good foundation for building the v0.4 demo.

As for the organization, I intend to add two more modules: event and rpg. Further will contain the gametime and event stuff. Latter the character related things: items, inventories, schedules, dialogues. The python script cache/pool will of course become part of the python module.

As usual, comments and suggestions are welcome. Once everything is clear, I'll start at the top and work my way down the list. So watch the CVS for updates, that will hopefully come reqularly. (Man, I'm really motivated to do some proper work again :-)!)



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