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[Af-test] hiccup

From: Lazarus Cole
Subject: [Af-test] hiccup
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2006 21:44:19 -0400

East of them were the Druses, heterodox Moslem followers of a mad anddead Sultan of Egypt. In areal sense maximum disorder was our equilibrium. Stokes supposed that if we did it, he could. His inquiring nature took interest in the shore, and sawthe comic side even of our petty disasters. The critical centre of Syria in allages had been the Yarmuk Valley, Hauran, and Deraa. Beyond them were the strange sights of villages of Christian tribalArabs, under sheikhs. The Englishmen in theMiddle East divided into two classes. It was good for the Arab Revolt that so early in its growth this changeimposed itself. They believed him to be a great and wonderfulsovereign, honouring the English with his friendship. These were points of character, which all showed in their degree. Others of the Howeitat came in, and there was gay talk about the war. Treachery hadnot been taken into account when Nasir and I had built our plan for thetowns defence. When I came on deckthe ship was rushing grandly down the narrow gulf under full steam forEgypt. We could not so knit man to man, for ourtribesmen were in arms willingly. In manoeuvre war one long-range gunoutweighed ninety-nine short. A farcicalstory, and we laughed richly over it: but there was more behind. CHAPTER LIXThe tale of Syria was not ended in this count of odd races andreligions. Another distinguishing feature might be high explosives. The distribution of the raiding parties was unorthodox. I went below, bathed, and slept till mid-morning. The Turk had replied gladly, promising great rewards. Wadi Musa village was our first peasantrecruit. Such verbal scorn seemed to salve theirconsciousness of inbred inferiority. Moslems whose mother tongue was Arabic lookedupon themselves for that reason as a chosen people. The wire was heavy rubber-insulated cable. Of water we would not want to carry more than a pint each. At Wejh the Hejaz war was won: after Akaba it was ended. I went below, bathed, and slept till mid-morning. Auda was ambitious totake advantage of our dependence on his help to assort the tribes. That afternoon they patched the machines, and after dark slept undertheir wings. They lived as the Sunni aboutthem, dressed like them, and were on the best terms with them. It was good for the Arab Revolt that so early in its growth this changeimposed itself. The exploder was in a formidable locked white box, very heavy. The Turks, alwayssomnolent at noon, were taken completely by surprise. That would be an achievement, for its deep well was the onlyone in the dry sector below Maan. Such verbal scorn seemed to salve theirconsciousness of inbred inferiority. The southernmost, Jerusalem, was asqualid town, which every Semitic religion had made holy. Within these limits the land was muchparcelled up by natural divisions.

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