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[Akii-users] Sign the letter to keep your health, health of your family

From: Salim Abraham
Subject: [Akii-users] Sign the letter to keep your health, health of your family and inncocent dolphins lives
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 16:40:07 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/4.78 [ja] (Windows NT 5.0; U)

We are struggling for the future of our planet, please help us.
Only together we can stand for our nature!

Send a message to the "Environmental Protection Agency and Food and Drug Administration" to improve mercury testing so we can keep tuna safe for our families and for dolphins.

In the Eastern Pacific Ocean, large, mature yellowfin tuna often swim with pods of dolphins - a relationship that's exploited by some commercial fishers using purse-seine nets that ensnare tuna and dolphins alike.

Sign for it - help yourself and thousands of other lives.

One another way you can help us is to send this letter or the link to our website: http://animal-petitions.com/register.htm- to all people you know.

2006 Help Dolphins
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