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ANN: MusicBox-0.2.6

From: Yen-Ju Chen
Subject: ANN: MusicBox-0.2.6
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 11:21:59 -0400

MusicBox-0.2.6 is out becuase the change is big enough.
But it is still in the middle of transition.
Make the underneath audio control a seperate library called ShengGuang,
which means "sound and light" in Chinese.
So you have to install MusicBox/ShengGuang/ first,
then MusicBox/MusicBox/.
A libMusicBox will also be installed for bundle programming.

ShengGuang contain several general classes for audio and cdrom control,
and it depends on SDL, SDL_sound (CVS version), libogg, libvorbis.
Be aware the interface may change, especially SDLWrapper.
There are two demos, SGContentViewer and SGViewer,
as the bundles for GWorkspace in MusicBox/ShengGuang.
They are not installed by default. You have to do that by yourself.
SGContentViewer is a OGG content inspector.
It is the same as SoundViewer.inspector except using SGSound for OGG.
SGViewer is an audio CD viewer.
You can play/stop a track in CD and use Freedb to get the information.
Because an audio CD is not a real file system,
try not to use any GW function (copy, delete, ...) on this viewer.
I just use GWorkspace as another platform other then MusicBox
to demostrate/test the ShengGuang library.

MusicBox uses ShengGuang library.
It starts to support encoding, but is still in very early stage.
It will encode the tracks into ~/musicbox as test*.ogg.
I haven't have an idea how to arrange the encoded files in file system.
It uses cdda2wav to rip CD, and use either
oggenc (in vorbis-tool) and sox to convert the format.
You have to set up the path of these tools in preferences first
(only one encoder is necessary for encoding).
The encoder bundles are not necessary for MusicBox,
only for people who need them.
It's safe to comment them out in GNUmakefile of MusicBox.

Have Fun


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