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Re: [Arx-users] Fwd: Errors in the mirror command ? (Segmentation errors

From: Walter Landry
Subject: Re: [Arx-users] Fwd: Errors in the mirror command ? (Segmentation errors too)
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 21:37:09 -0500 (EST)

Walter Landry <address@hidden> wrote:
> However, this is an operation that probably should work.  I have been
> thinking how best to fix it, but I have not yet come to a conclusion.

I have been thrashing about for designs, and I think I have come up
with something reasonable.  The main thing that I don't like about the
current setup is that mirrors have a different name from the master.
With the new scheme everything goes into the same name.  Thus, the
output of "arx archives" might look like


By default, the first one on the list is the location that will be
used for "get", "merge", "commit", etc.  To create a mirror, the
"make-archive" syntax is slightly changed.  It will be something like

  arx make-archive --mirror address@hidden

So you won't have to come up with a name for the mirror anymore.

The only difference between master archives and mirror archives is
that the mirror archives will have a ,meta-info/mirror file.  "mirror"
will only copy to archives that have this file, and "commit" will only
commit to archives that don't have this file.  Previously, the test
for a mirror was whether an archive was registered with the same name
as what was in ,meta-info/name.

To register an existing mirror is that same as registering any
existing archive.  Just give the location.  To change the order of
archives, so that a different one is the default used for "get" etc.,
you just unregister and reregister.

To actually mirror, you specify the archive, the source, and the
target.  So to mirror the local version to the sftp version, it would

  arx mirror address@hidden file:///home/foo/bar sftp://address@hidden/bar

However, you only have to specify the uri's enough to uniquely
identify them, so you could shorten that to

  arx mirror address@hidden file sftp

or even

  arx mirror address@hidden f s

I think that covers the two major use cases: publishing a local
archive and making a local copy of a remote archive.  To publish a
local archive, you would have them registered as


and mirror them with 

  arx mirror address@hidden file sftp

while a local copy of a remote archive would have them registered as 


and mirror them with

  arx mirror address@hidden http file

To implement this, I will have to change how archive registrations are
stored in ~/.arx.  Since I am already changing how archive
reigstrations are stored for the next release, I would like to bundle
this change in as well.  Comments and questions welcome.


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