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[aspell-user] Aspell Layout (was Re: aspell help)

From: Kevin Atkinson
Subject: [aspell-user] Aspell Layout (was Re: aspell help)
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 20:55:45 -0400 (EDT)

[note cc the aspell-devel and aspell-user mailing lists in case anyone
else is interested]

I don't have any real documentation on the layout of the source but here
is an overview:

util/: utility functions which don't depend on other parts of the Aspell
util/*edit*: various edit distance algorithms
phonet: the phonet algorithm used for coming up with the soundslike for
        a word
util/*: various data structures, helper classes, and
        algorithms used by various parts of aspell
filter/: The code which handles the various filter.  About to undergo a
         major rewrite so I won't bother explaining what's in here
lib/: The aspell specific code.  The file names for the most part
      should be self explanatory.
lib/data multi_ws readonly_ws writable_*: Files which implement the various
lib/check: handles checking if a word is correct
lib/suggest: handles coming up with suggestions for a word
lib/language* phonetic: handles most of the language specific stuff
lib/manager: ties everything together
lib/*: various other helper classes
src/: The code for the actual Aspell utility

Some of the files have large block comments which gives an overview of
what the file does and how it does it.

Kevin Atkinson
kevina at users sourceforge net

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