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Re: [aspell-user] umlaute in LaTeX

From: Domenico Andreoli
Subject: Re: [aspell-user] umlaute in LaTeX
Date: Thu Sep 6 08:43:05 2001
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 01:08:50AM -0400, Kevin Atkinson wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, Domenico Andreoli wrote:
> > is planned any support for german umlaute for latex files? it seems to be
> > required in order to use new german rules.
> If you mean something adding accent characters before are after words to
> indicate accents than yes, but do you *really* want to use them.  Most
aspell under debian has a bug opened 
for this reason and i'd like to solve it. 

> people these days use characters from the iso-8859-* character set (or
> Unicode) for accents instead of putting accent characters before or after
> ASCII letters.  However, if you must use the accent characters you Aspell
> can support kind of support it by making it a middle character by adding
> something like 'special " -*-' to the language data file.
i'm not fully undestanding what i need to do, but i still haven't read
to much documentation...

> A future version will support mapping them into there 8 bit equivalent and
> also Unicode.


-----[ Domenico Andreoli, aka cavok
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