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[AUCTeX-diffs] [elpa] externals/auctex c6350aa 07/71: Track standardized

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: [AUCTeX-diffs] [elpa] externals/auctex c6350aa 07/71: Track standardized generic hook names in LaTeX kernel
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 15:00:25 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/auctex
commit c6350aae1ca4befcdde2289d005e193a63b51050
Author: Arash Esbati <>
Commit: Arash Esbati <>

    Track standardized generic hook names in LaTeX kernel
    * latex.el (TeX-read-hook): Unify query for hooks and track the
    change for standardized generic hook names described in:
 latex.el | 331 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 177 insertions(+), 154 deletions(-)

diff --git a/latex.el b/latex.el
index 8ce8c6e..9954cc5 100644
--- a/latex.el
+++ b/latex.el
@@ -3117,161 +3117,184 @@ as values for the key.  Use PROMPT as the prompt 
 (defun TeX-read-hook ()
   "Read a LaTeX hook and return it as a string."
   (let* ((hook (completing-read
-               (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Hook")
-               '("cmd"
-                 "env"
-                 ;; From ltfilehook-doc.pdf
-                 "file/before"        "file/after"
-                 "include/before"     "include/end"   "include/after"
-                 "class/before"       "class/after"
-                 "package/before"     "package/after"
-                 ;; From lthooks-doc.pdf
-                 "begindocument"
-                 "begindocument/before"
-                 "begindocument/end"
-                 "enddocument"
-                 "enddocument/afterlastpage"
-                 "enddocument/afteraux"
-                 "enddocument/info"
-                 "enddocument/end"
-                 "rmfamily"           "sffamily"
-                 "ttfamily"           "normalfont"
-                 "bfseries"           "bfseries/defaults"
-                 "mdseries"           "mdseries/defaults"
-                 ;; From ltshipout-doc.pdf
-                 "shipout/before"     "shipout/after"
-                 "shipout/foreground" "shipout/background"
-                 "shipout/firstpage"  "shipout/lastpage"
-                 ;; From ltpara-doc.pdf
-                 "para/before"         "para/begin"
-                 "para/end"            "para/after")))
-        (place (lambda ()
-                 (completing-read
-                  (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Where")
-                  (if (string= hook "cmd")
-                      '("after" "before")
-                    '("before" "begin" "end" "after")))))
-        (search (lambda ()
-                  (if (eq TeX-arg-input-file-search 'ask)
-                      (not (y-or-n-p "Find file yourself? "))
-                    TeX-arg-input-file-search)))
-        name where files ); result
+                (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Hook")
+                '("cmd"
+                  "env"
+                  ;; From ltfilehook-doc.pdf
+                  "file" "include" "class" "package"
+                  ;; From lthooks-doc.pdf
+                  "begindocument"  "enddocument"
+                  "rmfamily"       "sffamily"
+                  "ttfamily"       "normalfont"
+                  "bfseries"       "mdseries"
+                  ;; From ltshipout-doc.pdf
+                  "shipout"
+                  ;; From ltpara-doc.pdf
+                  "para")))
+         (place (lambda (&optional opt pr)
+                  (completing-read
+                   (TeX-argument-prompt opt pr "Where")
+                   (cond ((member hook '("env" "para"))
+                          '("after" "before" "begin" "end"))
+                         ((string= hook "include")
+                          '("after" "before" "end"))
+                         ((string= hook "begindocument")
+                          '("before" "end"))
+                         ((string= hook "enddocument")
+                          '("afterlastpage" "afteraux" "info" "end"))
+                         ((member hook '("bfseries" "mdseries"))
+                          '("defaults"))
+                         ((string= hook "shipout")
+                          '("before"     "after"
+                            "foreground" "background"
+                            "firstpage"  "lastpage"))
+                         (t
+                          '("after" "before"))))))
+         (search (lambda ()
+                   (if (eq TeX-arg-input-file-search 'ask)
+                       (not (y-or-n-p "Find file yourself? "))
+                     TeX-arg-input-file-search)))
+         name where files)
     (cond ((string= hook "cmd")
-          ;; cmd/<name>/<where>
-          (setq name (completing-read
-                      (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Command")
-                      (TeX-symbol-list)))
-          (setq where (funcall place)))
-         ;; env/<name>/<where>
-         ((string= hook "env")
-          (setq name (completing-read
-                      (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Environment")
-                      (LaTeX-environment-list)))
-          (setq where (funcall place)))
-         ;; file/(before|after)/<> where <file-name> is
-         ;; optional and must be with extension
-         ((member hook '("file/before" "file/after"))
-          (if (funcall search)
-              (progn
-                (unless TeX-global-input-files-with-extension
-                  (setq TeX-global-input-files-with-extension
-                        (prog2
-                            (message "Searching for files...")
-                            (mapcar #'list
-                                    (TeX-search-files-by-type 'texinputs
-                                                              'global
-                                                              t nil))
-                          (message "Searching for files...done"))))
-                (setq name
-                      (completing-read
-                       (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "File")
-                       TeX-global-input-files-with-extension)))
-            (setq name
-                  (file-name-nondirectory
-                   (read-file-name
-                    (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "File")
-                    nil "")))))
-         ;; include/(before|after|end)/<file-name> where <file-name>
-         ;; is optional
-         ((member hook '("include/before" "include/end" "include/after"))
-          (if (funcall search)
-              (progn
-                (setq files
-                      (prog2
-                          (message "Searching for files...")
-                          ;; \include looks for files with TeX content,
-                          ;; so limit the search:
-                          (let* ((TeX-file-extensions '("tex" "ltx")))
-                            (TeX-search-files-by-type 'texinputs 'local t t))
-                        (message "Searching for files...done")))
-                (setq name (completing-read
-                            (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "File")
-                            files)))
-            (setq name
-                  (file-name-base
-                   (read-file-name
-                    (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "File")
-                    nil "")))))
-         ;; class/(before|after)/<doc-class> where <doc-class> is
-         ;; optional
-         ((member hook '("class/before" "class/after"))
-          (if (funcall search)
-              (progn
-                (unless LaTeX-global-class-files
-                  (setq LaTeX-global-class-files
-                        (prog2
-                            (message "Searching for LaTeX classes...")
-                            (let* ((TeX-file-extensions '("cls")))
-                              (mapcar #'list
-                                      (TeX-search-files-by-type 'texinputs
-                                                                'global
-                                                                t t)))
-                          (message "Searching for LaTeX classes...done"))))
-                (setq name (completing-read
-                            (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Document class")
-                            LaTeX-global-class-files)))
-            (setq name
-                  (file-name-base
-                   (read-file-name
-                    (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "File")
-                    nil "")))))
-         ;; package/(before|after)/<pack-name> where
-         ;; <pack-name> is optional
-         ((member hook '("package/before" "package/after"))
-          (if (funcall search)
-              (progn
-                (unless LaTeX-global-package-files
-                  (setq LaTeX-global-package-files
-                        (prog2
-                            (message "Searching for LaTeX packages...")
-                            (let* ((TeX-file-extensions '("sty")))
-                              (mapcar #'list
-                                      (TeX-search-files-by-type 'texinputs
-                                                                'global
-                                                                t t)))
-                          (message "Searching for LaTeX packages...done"))))
-                (setq name (completing-read
-                            (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Package")
-                            LaTeX-global-package-files)))
-            (setq name (file-name-base
-                        (read-file-name
-                         (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "File")
-                         nil "")))))
-         ;; User specific input for the hook, do nothing:
-         (t nil))
-    ;; Process the input: For cmd or env, concat the elements with a
-    ;; slash.  For other hooks, check if the optional name is given
-    ;; and append it with a backslash to the hook:
-    (if (member hook '("cmd" "env"))
-       (concat hook "/" name "/" where)
-      (concat hook (when (and name (not (string= name "")))
-                    (concat "/" name))))))
+           ;; cmd/<name>/<where>: <where> is one of (before|after)
+           (setq name (completing-read
+                       (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Command")
+                       (TeX-symbol-list)))
+           (setq where (funcall place)))
+          ;; env/<name>/<where>: <where> is one of (before|after|begin|end)
+          ((string= hook "env")
+           (setq name (completing-read
+                       (TeX-argument-prompt nil nil "Environment")
+                       (LaTeX-environment-list)))
+           (setq where (funcall place)))
+          ;; file/<>/<where>: <file-name> is optional and
+          ;; must be with extension and <where> is one of
+          ;; (before|after)
+          ((string= hook "file")
+           (if (funcall search)
+               (progn
+                 (unless TeX-global-input-files-with-extension
+                   (setq TeX-global-input-files-with-extension
+                         (prog2
+                             (message "Searching for files...")
+                             (mapcar #'list
+                                     (TeX-search-files-by-type 'texinputs
+                                                               'global
+                                                               t nil))
+                           (message "Searching for files...done"))))
+                 (setq name
+                       (completing-read
+                        (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "File")
+                        TeX-global-input-files-with-extension)))
+             (setq name
+                   (file-name-nondirectory
+                    (read-file-name
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "File")
+                     nil ""))))
+           (setq where (funcall place)))
+          ;; include/<file-name>/<where>: <file-name> is optional and
+          ;; <where> is one of (before|after|end)
+          ((string= hook "include")
+           (if (funcall search)
+               (progn
+                 (setq files
+                       (prog2
+                           (message "Searching for files...")
+                           ;; \include looks for files with TeX content,
+                           ;; so limit the search:
+                           (let* ((TeX-file-extensions '("tex" "ltx")))
+                             (TeX-search-files-by-type 'texinputs 'local t t))
+                         (message "Searching for files...done")))
+                 (setq name (completing-read
+                             (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "File")
+                             files)))
+             (setq name
+                   (file-name-base
+                    (read-file-name
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "File")
+                     nil ""))))
+           (setq where (funcall place)))
+          ;; class/<doc-class>/<where>: <doc-class> is optional and
+          ;; <where> is one of (before|after)
+          ((string= hook "class")
+           (if (funcall search)
+               (progn
+                 (unless LaTeX-global-class-files
+                   (setq LaTeX-global-class-files
+                         (prog2
+                             (message "Searching for LaTeX classes...")
+                             (let* ((TeX-file-extensions '("cls")))
+                               (mapcar #'list
+                                       (TeX-search-files-by-type 'texinputs
+                                                                 'global
+                                                                 t t)))
+                           (message "Searching for LaTeX classes...done"))))
+                 (setq name (completing-read
+                             (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Document class")
+                             LaTeX-global-class-files)))
+             (setq name
+                   (file-name-base
+                    (read-file-name
+                     (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Document class")
+                     nil ""))))
+           (setq where (funcall place)))
+          ;; package/<pack-name>/<where>: <pack-name> is optional and
+          ;; <where> is one of (before|after)
+          ((string= hook "package")
+           (if (funcall search)
+               (progn
+                 (unless LaTeX-global-package-files
+                   (setq LaTeX-global-package-files
+                         (prog2
+                             (message "Searching for LaTeX packages...")
+                             (let* ((TeX-file-extensions '("sty")))
+                               (mapcar #'list
+                                       (TeX-search-files-by-type 'texinputs
+                                                                 'global
+                                                                 t t)))
+                           (message "Searching for LaTeX packages...done"))))
+                 (setq name (completing-read
+                             (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Package")
+                             LaTeX-global-package-files)))
+             (setq name (file-name-base
+                         (read-file-name
+                          (TeX-argument-prompt t nil "Package")
+                          nil ""))))
+           (setq where (funcall place)))
+          ;; begindocument/<where>: <where> is empty or one of
+          ;; (before|end)
+          ((string= hook "begindocument")
+           (setq where (funcall place t)))
+          ;; enddocument/<where>: <where> is empty or one of
+          ;; (afterlastpage|afteraux|info|end)
+          ((string= hook "enddocument")
+           (setq where (funcall place t)))
+          ;; bfseries|mdseries/<where>: <where> is empty or defaults
+          ((member hook '("bfseries" "mdseries"))
+           (setq where (funcall place t)))
+          ;; shipout/<where>: <where> is one of
+          ;; (before|after|foreground|background|firstpage|lastpage)
+          ((string= hook "shipout")
+           (setq where (funcall place)))
+          ;; Other hooks or user specific input, do nothing:
+          (t nil))
+    ;; Process the input: Concat the given parts and return it
+    (concat hook
+            (when (and name (not (string= name "")))
+              (concat "/" name))
+            (when (and where (not (string= where "")))
+              (concat "/" where)))))
 (defun TeX-arg-hook (optional)
   "Prompt for a LaTeX hook.

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