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AC_OUTPUT vs m4 nesting limit

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: AC_OUTPUT vs m4 nesting limit
Date: 15 Jun 2001 13:08:38 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.090003 (Oort Gnus v0.03) Emacs/21.0.103

When trying to generate more than 250 files with one configure script
(like the kdebase package wants to do) you'll hit the nesting limit of m4
(due to the fact that loops are implemented through recursion).  Currently
there is no way increase this limit from the autoconf invocation.  How
about adding an option so that, say, --m4-options=--nesting-limit=300 can
fix that?  Or maybe this limit should be increased by default?


Andreas Schwab                                  "And now for something
SuSE Labs                                        completely different."
SuSE GmbH, Schanzäckerstr. 10, D-90443 Nürnberg
Key fingerprint = 58CA 54C7 6D53 942B 1756  01D3 44D5 214B 8276 4ED5

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