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Re: macros for rpath support

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: macros for rpath support
Date: 28 May 2002 09:29:20 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Honest Recruiter)

>>>>> "Bruno" == Bruno Haible <address@hidden> writes:

Bruno> Akim Demaille writes:
>> I still have one question though: how would you rate the impedance
>> there is between this macro and config.rpath ot1h side and Libtool
>> otoh?  I especially interested in knowing whether what learns one
>> of the community should be reported to the other.

Bruno> The variables determined by config.rpath are a subset of those
Bruno> determined by libtool.m4. Therefore config.rpath should be
Bruno> updated according to modifications made in official libtool
Bruno> releases. (But it doesn't hurt verifying the settings using the
Bruno> script.)

So, am I reading Libtool would be a better host for this macro?

>> given that gettextize installs these files locally, do you really
>> want to let them be visible to aclocal?

Bruno> Yes, there are certainly people who don't want to use
Bruno> gettextize and instead do everything by hand, at their own
Bruno> risks. For them it is useful to have the *.m4 files in a
Bruno> canonical location.

So we still face the problem I was referring to: aclocal will bring
them in, and Gettext's version will be overriden.  But I'm OK with
taking this risk.  For instance, m4_include could require the #serial
of the file, and then autoreconf --install would pick the most
appropriate file.

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