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Re: 2.53a (cygwin) failing to resolve pkg-config macro def

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: 2.53a (cygwin) failing to resolve pkg-config macro def
Date: 29 Aug 2002 10:41:10 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Honest Recruiter)

This is not for me, bug address@hidden I guess.  Thanks.

| [posted and mailed]
| Hello, [tried to post this to gmane.comp.autoconf.general earlier]
| I am trying to update a for an existing package (Eric 
| Raymond's `sng' software). I have hit a brick wall with a mysterious 
| failure of the devel-branch autoconf on my system to deal with the use of 
| of a macro in the The configure file that is output by 
| autoconf simply leaves the literal verbatim text of my macro call 
| unexpanded.
| `pkg-config' must surely be familiar to the maintainers of autoconf 
| ( So I must be in the next 
| few sentences covering ground that is well know and am only doing it for 
| thoroughness and clarity.
| The author of that tool has provided an autoconf macro to allow 
| interworking of his system tool with autoconf. On my system installation 
| the file containing this macro definition was placed in /usr/share/aclocal 
| and is named "pkg.m4".
| I tried using the -I /usr/share/aclocal flag to autoconf, no help. I then 
| got more extreme and tried `cat /usr/share/aclocal/pkg.m4 >> ./aclocal.m4' 
| and even that was no help. In no event did autoconf "understand" that 
| PKG_CHECK_MODULES(foo stuff) was an autoconf macro that it needed to 
| 'resolve'. I tried running autoconf in 'trace" mode with '--trace 
| PKG_CHECK_MODULES' and it dies complaining "No such file or directory". 
| Which seems an inappropriate error message and could provide a clue as to 
| what is going wrong.
| 01.html
| Presents the code (the configure.[in|ac]) I am working on. As to the 
| attempts to use conditionals that you'll see in that script, suggestions 
| welcome. I am having to guess at whether this can even be done and if so, 
| how, having not found much help available in TFM or via Google.
|   TIA,
|    Soren Andersen

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