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using automake to generate perl modules and Makefile.PL?

From: Harlan Stenn
Subject: using automake to generate perl modules and Makefile.PL?
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 15:06:35 -0400
User-agent: EMH/1.10.0 SEMI/1.13.3 (Komaiko) FLIM/1.12.7 (Y .DŽþzaki) XEmacs/21.1 (20 Minutes to Nikko) (i386-unknown-freebsd2.2.8)

Anybody have a framework for using automake (and perhaps autoconf) to
generate a Makefile.PL for a perl module?

I have a package that is already under auto* and somebody has a related perl 
module; I was thinking it might be nice if "make dist" would handle creating 
the pm's perl-mod-X.YY.tar.gz file.


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