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Re: Pre-hook?

From: Samuel Meder
Subject: Re: Pre-hook?
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 10:48:01 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.25i

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Tom Tromey wrote:

> >>>>> "Samuel" == Samuel Meder <address@hidden> writes:
> Samuel> I've been working a bit at converting openssl to use auto
> Samuel> tools for the build process and since I want to avoid touching
> Samuel> source code as much as possible I had to find a way to set up
> Samuel> links between header files in the source directories and
> Samuel> $(top_srcdir)/include/openssl before building anything.
> For links one ordinarily uses AC_LINK_FILES in configure.

I knew I could do it using configure, I just liked the solution where
I just have to maintain one list of headers to be installed and linked
better. What I ended up doing was to include a link target like this 

links: $(opensslinclude_HEADERS)
        @$(PERL) $(top_srcdir)/util/ \
                $(top_srcdir)/include/openssl/  \
        for i in $(SUBDIRS); do \
            (cd $$i; $(MAKE) links ); \

in all Makefiles (through a include statement). That way the link will
automatically be generated if someone adds a new header. 


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