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Install library sources with automake

From: Alexey Beshenov
Subject: Install library sources with automake
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2007 23:27:33 +0300
User-agent: KMail/1.7.2


At this time I have experience with Makefiles for real compiling only.

Now I have my own library sources. They should be placed in directory of 
compiller include path, as well as documentation should be placed to the 
system documentation directory.

If library is named foo and it's sources and documentation are in the `src' 
and `doc' directories, awful shell script is


rm -rf /usr/include/foo
mkdir /usr/include/foo
cp -r src/* /usr/include/foo

rm -rf /usr/share/doc/foo
mkdir /usr/share/doc/foo
cp -r doc/* /usr/share/doc/foo

How can I write more flexible Makefile without fixed directory destinations 
and ability to uninstall everything?

Cold you give me a quick recipe, please?

Pungenday, Discord 10th, 3173. 2430428 days until X-Day.
Alexey Beshenov <address@hidden>
+7 960 15 30 767 / +7 950 80 300 18

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