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Re: [avr-chat] HowTo split a program into several files ?

From: Bernard Fouché
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] HowTo split a program into several files ?
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 19:30:48 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

Till Harbaum wrote:


On Monday 12 September 2005 18:10, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
Okay I changed the <foo.c> for "foo.c" and the compiler is now
happy ! :o)

Vince, who can now keep his programs very tidy...
Uhm ... unfortunately noone told you, that this isn't the way to split programs ... it works, but it's soooooo ugly.


- Use #include <...> when you want to include a header coming with the system (i.e: provided by the compilation environment). Paths processed by the preprocessor for '<..>' are defined in the preprocessor itself and usually it's '/usr/include' plus eventually some others. You can add paths to this with the -I option. For instance: -I/my/include/dir. The point of "<..>" is to think that files included this way are well-known ones and you don't really care where there are stored.

- Use #include "..." for files related to the application being compiled.

If you develop an application framework, and others programmers will use it, then usually you do something like:

- /home/appframework/include <- will hold all .h related to the application framework you provide. Inside you can have subdirs for different 'modules' (for instance include/communications , include/setup , etc) - you will tell to programmers wanting to use your frame work that they must add -I/home/appframework/include in their makefiles and use #include <..> (of course you have to provide documentation telling what include is needed to get what function prototype, etc) - if such a programmer needs to make his/her own .h file, this file will be included with #include "..." - you will probably also provide /home/appframework/lib with libraries to include (-L/home/appframework/lib -llibname..)

A big part of learning C is knowing these habits. If you known them and stick to them, you'll feel at home very quickly when moving to a compilation environment to another.

Another unsaid rule is that someone using a compilation environment or an application framework requiring use of '<...>' to include /h files must not modify these .h files since they can be upgraded at any time by the provider of the application framework or compilation environment.

For instance there are actually a lot of talks about changing the API of avr-libc. If you stick to the habit of including the avr-libc .h files without modifying them, and locate all your own stuff and possible changes in your own .h files, then chances are great that the API changes will be transparent to you. Otherwise it can be a nightmare.

Other usuals C habits:

- use a #define each time you need a constant. For instance:

for(i=0;i<3;i++) is no good but

for(i=0;i<NBR_OF_NEEDED_SCANS;i++) is better

(this will document your source files in some way)

- Of course you locate all #define's in .h files

- use enums in any state machine using a switch/case system. Enums will of course be defined in a .h file.

- constants are always in uppercase. Variable may have uppercases letters but must has lower cases also.

- names beginning with '_' are reserved for the system designers.

- Do not allocate memory in a .h file, just define structures types, typedef, enums, etc and make the memory allocation in a .c file.

For instance:


enum toto { START, MIDDLE, END };

struct foo {
enum toto shmoo;
int bar;
int wuz;

#include "x.h"
struct foo myfoo;

- etc.

C allows you to mess up everything since there are nearly no mandatory requirements to organise your work. So some kind of organisation has to exist and if you use the same one used by C programmers for decades you'll spare a lot of time, it will help you feel that code you run into that has been written by others could have been written by you.


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