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Re: [avr-gcc-list] New prosessor goes into stack violation!

From: Ben L. Titzer
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] New prosessor goes into stack violation!
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2005 12:05:45 -0800

Could this address be in the interrupt vector table for the device?

Perhaps your header file did not properly account for all the vectors or all the correct defintions?


avr-gcc-list mailing list

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No, this address is not, as I can understand, in the interrupt vector table. There are relatively few interrupt vector in this processor compared to the ordinary AVR processors. Since it originally is used in smart card applications it also has very limited I/O.

Since this is in the startup code and no calls or anything has been done, the SP has not changed from its initial value. The only thing it has done some far is to set the SP and start copying from the end of the program area in flash to SRAM.

As you can see from the disassembly this is ordinary avr-gcc startup code:

The interrupt vector table is in flash anyway, and ST writes to SRAM, so this shouldn't have anything to do with interrupts. Sorry I have to ask again, but what is the actual value of SP when the store occurs?

BTW, how much RAM does this particular chip have? The AT90 series had a maximum of 512b IIRC.

It may be that your program simply will no longer fit in the RAM of the chip.


Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <__vectors>:
  0:    0c 94 0e 00     jmp    0x1c
  4:    0c 94 27 00     jmp    0x4e
  8:    0c 94 27 00     jmp    0x4e
  c:    0c 94 27 00     jmp    0x4e
 10:    0c 94 27 00     jmp    0x4e
 14:    0c 94 27 00     jmp    0x4e
 18:    0c 94 27 00     jmp    0x4e

0000001c <__ctors_end>:
 1c:    11 24           eor    r1, r1
 1e:    1f be           out    0x3f, r1    ; 63
 20:    cf ef           ldi    r28, 0xFF    ; 255
 22:    cd bf           out    0x3d, r28    ; 61

00000024 <__do_copy_data>:
 24:    12 e0           ldi    r17, 0x02    ; 2
 26:    a0 e6           ldi    r26, 0x60    ; 96
 28:    b0 e0           ldi    r27, 0x00    ; 0
 2a:    ec e2           ldi    r30, 0x2C    ; 44
 2c:    fe e0           ldi    r31, 0x0E    ; 14
 2e:    02 c0           rjmp    .+4          ; 0x34

00000030 <.do_copy_data_loop>:
 30:    05 90           lpm    r0, Z+
32: 0d 92 st X+, r0 <------This is where it crashes X=0x00fe

00000034 <.do_copy_data_start>:
 34:    a6 38           cpi    r26, 0x86    ; 134
 36:    b1 07           cpc    r27, r17
 38:    d9 f7           brne    .-10         ; 0x30

0000003a <__do_clear_bss>:
 3a:    13 e0           ldi    r17, 0x03    ; 3
 3c:    a6 e8           ldi    r26, 0x86    ; 134
 3e:    b2 e0           ldi    r27, 0x02    ; 2
 40:    01 c0           rjmp    .+2          ; 0x44

Per A.
Per Arnold Blåsmo
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