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[avr-gcc-list] Got strange compilation problem

From: David Bourgeois
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] Got strange compilation problem
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 10:24:01 +0100
User-agent: Opera M2/8.51 (Win32, build 7712)

Hi all,

Replacing the 2 lines
    length = (p->inIdx) - (p->outIdx);
    length %= FIFO_SIZE;
    length = (((p->inIdx) - (p->outIdx)) % FIFO_SIZE);

completely broke my code. I'm using avr-gcc 3.4.5 (latest winavr release) under avrstudio, -Os. Here's the generated assembly part. I guess there something fundamentally wrong I'm doing here because it also brake without optimization (-O0) but with much bigger code and the failure behaves a bit different.

Thanks for any opinion about this.

uint8_t fifoLength(fifo_t *p)
        uint8_t length;

        length = (p->inIdx) - (p->outIdx);
        length %= FIFO_SIZE;
      return length;

@00000224: fifoLength
46:       {
+00000224:   01FC        MOVW    R30,R24          Copy register pair
48:             length = (p->inIdx) - (p->outIdx);
+00000225: 8580 LDD R24,Z+8 Load indirect with displacement +00000226: 8591 LDD R25,Z+9 Load indirect with displacement
+00000227:   1B89        SUB     R24,R25          Subtract without carry
49:           length %= FIFO_SIZE;
+00000228: 7087 ANDI R24,0x07 Logical AND with immediate
51:       }
+00000229:   2799        CLR     R25              Clear Register
+0000022A:   9508        RET                      Subroutine return

uint8_t fifoLength(fifo_t *p)
        uint8_t length;

        length = (((p->inIdx) - (p->outIdx)) % FIFO_SIZE);
    return length;
@00000224: fifoLength
46:       {
+00000224:   01FC        MOVW    R30,R24          Copy register pair
49:             length = (((c) % FIFO_SIZE);
+00000225: 8580 LDD R24,Z+8 Load indirect with displacement
+00000226:   2F28        MOV     R18,R24          Copy register
+00000227:   2733        CLR     R19              Clear Register
+00000228: 8581 LDD R24,Z+9 Load indirect with displacement
+00000229:   1B28        SUB     R18,R24          Subtract without carry
+0000022A:   0931        SBC     R19,R1           Subtract with carry
+0000022B:   01C9        MOVW    R24,R18          Copy register pair
+0000022C: FD37 SBRC R19,7 Skip if bit in register cleared
+0000022D:   9607        ADIW    R24,0x07         Add immediate to word
+0000022E: 7F88 ANDI R24,0xF8 Logical AND with immediate
+0000022F:   1B28        SUB     R18,R24          Subtract without carry
+00000230:   2F82        MOV     R24,R18          Copy register
51:       }
+00000231:   2799        CLR     R25              Clear Register
+00000232:   9508        RET                      Subroutine return

Here, the problem occurs when p->inIdx) - (p->outIdx) is <0, then the modulus is not done, the return value is 0xF9 for example.

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