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[avr-gcc-list] problem with malloc() in avr-libc 1.6.1

From: Javier Almansa Sobrino
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] problem with malloc() in avr-libc 1.6.1
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 09:57:25 +0100

Hi everybody. I'm developing a proyect with an atmega128 and I've got
some troubles with dinamic memory allocation.

I have a structure with an uint8_t pointer and tree uint16_t variables
inside. Initially I create a pointer for this structure and initialize
it with a call to malloc. Later I initialize the uint8_t pointer inside
the structure with another call to malloc. In this case, I initialize
with a lenght of 150 bytes.

Later, I made a lot of calls to a funcion (that is not a recursive
function). In this function I call malloc at the init to initialice a
uint8_t buffer. Later, when the function is end, I free this space.

My program runs ok for a time, later it crashes. I've debugged it with
avarice and ddd and I've noticed the function before commented runs ok
for 5 or 6 times, later, when I call the malloc function this call to
malloc never returns. Debugging the code, I've seen the program never
end the step two of the malloc function. 

At the end of the code before any call to malloc, I initialize
__malloc_heap_start to 0x808000 and __malloc_heap_end to 0x80ffff. Of
course the external memory is activated in the early init as described
in avr-libc user manual and it works fine.

Someone knows what's the reason for this malfunction in my application?
It's some bug on avr-libc or is an error by me?


Nunca confies en un S.O. del que no tienes código fuente ;-)

Javier Almansa Sobrino.
Ingeniero Técnico en Informática de Sistemas.

Grupo de Investigación ARCo.
Escuela Superior de Informática. Ciudad Real
Tel: (+34)926 29 53 00 Ext: 3705

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