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[Axiom-developer] Juergen's makefile

From: root
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Juergen's makefile
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 14:43:42 -0400

re: explaining the difference between Juergen's work and mine...

I've been continuing the build of the system and have only glanced at
Juergen's work so this is (a) not intended as criticism and (b) not
well founded and open to discussion.

First, there are dependencies beyond the 19 layers (I'm up to 21 so far)
but the compiles may be insensitive to these. I'm laying out the lattice
because without knowing these dependencies you can't build a system from
scratch. It is possible that after 19 layers there is no point in 
continuing but (a) I haven't proven that and (b) I'm nearly finished.
It would be good to figure out how many layers form the minimal set.

Second, remember that this Makefile is only really used to build the
system from scratch. Once the algebra code exists it is reasonably
insenstive to changes. In particular, changes to these original algebra 
files will have to be reviewed carefully before being made so once there
is a running version of the algebra all of this work is basically 
documenation. If you need to build the system from scratch on, say a 64
bit architecture, you really need to understand why it is built that way.

Third, Juergen's makefile looks a lot simpler as it is shorter and
less verbose. This is, in fact, the trend I'm trying hard to correct.
I'm simply unable to decode:

@ ( echo '1.$$s,${IN}/\(.*\)/.spad\.pamphlet:<<\(.*\)\.lsp .......

well, that's not strictly true but you get the idea. It is important
to remember that I have Makefiles that look like this from long ago.
I like the apparent brevity of the rules. However the machine doesn't care
if there are 3 or 300 rules but humans do and I need to work with Juergen
to reach some compromise. At the moment I'm just using very simple rule
forms rather than GNU make extensions. Dirt simple rules, in fact.

My main problem with the brief approach goes to the heart of the "new
Axiom".  Juergen's makefile includes less than a dozen comment
lines. But think carefully about what this Makefile is doing. It
bridges the gap between the algebra world (where the files are
organized into logical piles of categories, domains, and packages) and
the method of constructing the world from scratch. It contains an
ordering which is required but documented nowhere else. Why does this
ordering exist? What does it imply about the algebra? How will someone
30 years from now figure out what to change, what it affects, and why
it has that effect when the need to change the core algebra files?

Makefiles document how to build the system. One reason that it has
taken so long to get a running system from the NAG sources is that the
expertise of how to build the system (and it's associated makefiles)
was lost. (Another reason is that you used to need an Axiom to build
an Axiom.)  That is partially my fault from the past. I built
Makefiles just like Juergen (and everybody else) does. I wrote
Makefiles for the machine to read. But that is misguided. I can build
a system (witness the downloadable version).  But I'm trying to build
it so you guys can understand it, modify it, and maintain it. If we
don't document it then nobody will be able to do these things and
Axiom will die.

Juergen's makefile is basically a condensed version of mine and is
correct (modulo the other layers). Use it to build and test the algebra.
However, the CVS version is going to end up as a pamphlet file that
leans heavily on explanation. The current version you see has a great
deal of "scaffolding" as I'm keeping build notes in the same file.
These build notes are unnecessary and will be elided eventually.
I need them to form the lattice. 

Again, this isn't a criticism of Juergen's great work. 


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