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[Axiom-developer] Re: On statically linked Axiom

From: David MENTRE
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Re: On statically linked Axiom
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 18:51:29 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.2 (gnu/linux)

root <address@hidden> writes:

> You must have tried to build GCL outside of Axiom. 

No. I just made a 'make' inside the axiom/ directory.

> It appears that you didn't link the Axiom library to the lisp image.
> This happens as part of the lisp build process when Axiom does the build.
> Axiom untars GCL then applies the patches in the zips directory.

Yes, this was done.

> One of the patches modifies the GCL build so that it includes Axiom's code
> in the GCL image. If you build GCL by hand you have to make the modifications
> by hand. This is one of the hard issues about using any pre-installed lisp.

What I have done:

 1. applied following patch:

--- axiom-i386-dm/axiom/lsp/Makefile.pamphlet   Mon Sep 29 21:03:10 2003
+++ axiom-static-i386-dm/axiom/lsp/Makefile.pamphlet    Sun Oct 19 21:08:18 2003
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
 relocating object files.
        @(cd ${GCLVERSION} ; \
-       ./configure --enable-vssize=65536*2 --enable-statsysbfd 
--enable-readline --enable-maxpage=128*1024 ; \
+       CC="gcc --static" ./configure --enable-vssize=65536*2 
--enable-statsysbfd --enable-readline --enable-maxpage=128*1024 ; \
        ${ENV} ${MAKE} ; \
        cp unixport/saved_gcl ${OUT}/lisp )

 2. erased lsp/gcldir and lsp/gcl-2.5.2/

 3. erased obj/linux/bin/depsys and obj/linux/bin/interpsys

 4. make

(and yes, I have setup the $AXIOM variable)

> To solve the problem modify the top level Makefile.pamphlet to 
> include the --static flag (or whatever mods you made to get GCL to be
> static), then do 
> make clean

I wanted to avoid that. Compiling algebra takes 12h on my old machine. 

I retry with a 'make clean'. To be continued.... :)

Thanks to have taken a look at this issue.

David MENTRE <address@hidden> --

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