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[Axiom-developer] superman

From: root
Subject: [Axiom-developer] superman
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 09:30:51 -0500


I've mostly finished another piece of the puzzle.
It is now possible to run graphics from within axiom.
To test this you need to build the latest version and then type:

sman            <--- this will start the superman process, which starts axiom
                     there will be a lot of complaints. ignore them.
                     you could type 'sman 2>/dev/null' to start quietly.

(axiom should start)

draw(sin(x),x=-10..10)                <--- 2d graphics example
draw(sin(x,y),x=-10..10,y=-10..10)    <--- 3d graphics example

There is, of course, more to do so I haven't made this the default way
to start axiom but that too is coming. I've been running tests against
the CRC handbook of curves and surfaces and it looks pretty good although
I still have one bug to track down. I also have to integrate the test
cases, reimplement the axiom shell script, document the pile better, etc.

As usual, send complaints to 'address@hidden' and I'll do my best to help.

The next major piece of work is to rebuild the hypertex browser.


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