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[Axiom-developer] publishing the axiom book

From: root
Subject: [Axiom-developer] publishing the axiom book
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 01:48:26 -0500


Since we've decided to make the book available using's
print-on-demand services I've been setting up a way we can work on it.

The clear goal is to have a quality publication.

We'd also like it to remain free-as-in-speech so we're working under
the agreement that anything checked into the archive is your own work.
You agree that the work is released under the Modified-BSD agreement
on the copyright page. Note that this is a license so you actually
retain the copyright but agree to allow free copy and distribution.
(If there are discussions on this point please post them to the
address@hidden list and do not copy the other lists).

Changes to the book will be regulary pushed back into the axiom
distribution. The two may diverge for a while but will be kept
in sync as much as possible.

Credit is free to share and, per policy, is given as generously
as possible. If you contribute to the book you should add your
name to the list of authors on the front page. Please make sure
the front page formats properly.

And, no, you won't make a dime on royalties. I'm one of the original
authors and haven't seen money from it. So if you're thinking that
this will be an income stream you're mistaken. The funds for this
effort, if there are any, are intended to go to the Axiom Foundation
(of which I'm not an official member but suspect I have an influence).
The idea is to try to pay people to do subprojects from funds that
the book generates. Visit

It would be nice if we could figure out a way to get to
either create and ship CDs with the book or possibly just ship
CDs we make for them. I don't see anything on their site about
it but it's always fun to be the first, right?

Cooperate. Don't check in the .tex or .dvi file. 
Only the book.pamphlet and CHANGELOG file should be modified.
Check the pages you've modified and the surrounding pages to see
if you've broken anything.

Check the whole book at least once before you send changes back.
Minor changes in a page can ripple quite far, especially where
graphics images are concerned. Breaking other people's careful
work will not earn you bonus points :-)

Note that we'd like the book to be self-contained so try to 
keep everything in the book.pamphlet file. There are better ways
of organizing this but we'll have to debate them before changing
this procedure.

There are various things that need to be cleaned up.

In general you have to be very careful to edit axiom output so
that it line breaks properly. There are numerous examples in
the book :-) And don't cheat. Use real axiom output, modulo line
breaking issues. You can get most of the way there by typing
   )set output tex on
to the axiom command prompt. Axiom will output the tex for the

Working with axiom in an emacs shell buffer and the book.pamphlet in a
second buffer is very effective. Also remember that if xdvi is
visiting a file then it will automatically reflect changes to the .dvi
file when it gets focus. Thus if you start xdvi in a separate process
you can edit, make, visit xdvi and see the changes quickly.

Chapter 8 needs the graphics work recreated. This involves first
solving the problems of getting latex to put more than one image
on a page and making the images appear on the pages where they

In order to run the graphics you will need the latest version of 
axiom. I'll include instructions below.

Chapter 9 could use further examples of domains and packages.
If you add to or modify this chapter it would also be useful to
send me a .input file with the commands so I can add them to the
automated test cases.

Given the size of chapter 9 we might consider splitting the book
into two parts, one a users guide and one a reference manual. I
leave that up for discussion and debate.

Chapter 10 has drawing function output that need to be included.

Chapter 15 needs revision.

Chapter 16 (aka Chapter 1) should be Appendix 1, similarly with
following chapters.

Appendix A and following needs work. The information is there but
I have to rewrite the latex commands.

Appendix H has been moved up to the "ISBN" page where it traditionally

The diagrams on the inner covers of the original book should probably
become a new chapter that explains these in more detail. 

We really could use a chapter on developing Axiom code. Either
an analysis of an existing domain or the construction of a new
domain with appropriate advice would be excellent. This would be
a chance to have your spiffy new domain both contributed and


Visit and click on the 
[ Developers ] link or:

Getting started with tla:

If you already have a tla command skip to the next section.

To get a working tla you can get axiom from the anonymous CVS by:

mkdir ~/bin                   <-- change ~/bin to someplace writable 
                                  on your path. I have a bin in my homedir
export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -d:ext:address@hidden/cvsroot/axiom co axiom/zips/tla-1.1.tar.gz
cd axiom/zips
tar -zxf tla-1.1.tar.gz
cd tla-1.1/src
mkdir =build
cd =build
../configure --prefix ~/bin   
make install
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH

There are later versions of tla on the net but this is sufficient
for you to get started.

Using tla to get any archive from

This will allow you to fetch the axiom tla archives

If you already have set up your tla identity skip to the next section

tla my-id "First Last <address@hidden>"
tla register-archive address@hidden
tla my-default-archive address@hidden

Using tla to get the book

tla get book--main--1

Making the book

cd book--main--1*

Note that there are two other commands for make
  make clean    -- remove the cruft and leave book.dvi and noweb
  make pristine -- remove everything but book.pamphlet changes

changing the book

To change the book you have two choices.
If you do not have write permission to the book archive:

cp book.pamphlet
 edit the book.pamphlet
 xdvi book.dvi
(until done)
diff -Naur book.pamphlet >book.patch
mail the book.patch file to address@hidden

(Note that if you type:  'xdvi book.dvi &' then xdvi will
 continue to run and every time you remake the book it will
 automatically reflect the changes. This is very useful)

updating the book directly

You need write access. See,
follow the [ Developers ] link, make a key and send me a note.

Graphics in Axiom

You need the latest version of Axiom from the Savannah CVS

cd /tmp                     <-- or someplace where you want axiom
export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -z3 -d:ext:address@hidden/cvsroot/axiom co axiom
cd axiom
export AXIOM=/tmp/axiom/mnt/linux
export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH
.... (get coffee)
sman  (lots of warnings but the axiom interpreter should start)
draw(sin(x), x=-10..10)
draw(sin(x*y), x=-10..10, y=-10..10)

The sman process will eventually be merged into the axiom command
as soon as I finish up the graphics integration. The sman (superman)
process is used to communicate between the axiom interpreter and the
graphics process. If you just start axiom directly with the axiom
command rather than the sman command the draw function won't do anything.

             -- or --

You need the latest version of Axiom from the arch website

cd /tmp                     <-- or someplace where you want axiom
tla get axiom--main--1 axiom
cd axiom
export AXIOM=/tmp/axiom/mnt/linux
export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH
.... (get coffee)
sman  (lots of warnings but the axiom interpreter should start)
draw(sin(x), x=-10..10)
draw(sin(x*y), x=-10..10, y=-10..10)

The sman process will eventually be merged into the axiom command
as soon as I finish up the graphics integration. The sman (superman)
process is used to communicate between the axiom interpreter and the
graphics process. If you just start axiom directly with the axiom
command rather than the sman command the draw function won't do anything.


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