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[Axiom-developer] [TeXmacs] Graphics still--John Sheppard

From: anonymous
Subject: [Axiom-developer] [TeXmacs] Graphics still--John Sheppard
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 15:08:13 -0600

I too have problems displaying graphics. I finally managed to get the Windows 
version of axiom to work with the windows (non-cygwin) version of TeXmacs 
(i.e., WinTeXmacs). I tried the draw command from the axiom tutorial, both in 
axiom and from WinTeXmacs. Here's the sequence:

s := operator 's
DE := D(s(t),t,2) = -k^2*s(t) - c*D(s(t),t)
S := solve(DE,s,t=0,[A,0])
S1 == eval(S,[A=1,k=1,c=3])

Following the compiling of the draw function, I get:

  Graph data being transmitted to the viewport manager...

  >>System error:
  SOCK-SEND-INT is invalid as a function.

  protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)

This same error appears both in axiom alone and in WinTeXmacs. Any ideas for 
solving this would be appreciated. If I need to set the AXIOM and PATH 
variables, as suggested above, what should they be set to? You can respond to 
me at address@hidden if you wish.

John Sheppard
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