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Re: [Axiom-developer] Re: How can I get every term of an expression ?

From: Martin Rubey
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] Re: How can I get every term of an expression ?
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:19:42 +0200

Francois Maltey writes:
 > "Page, Bill" <address@hidden> writes:
 > > How can I persuade Axiom to write out
 > >
 > > (1) -> (2*log(x)+3*exp(y))*(4*sin(z)+2*log(x))
 > >
 > > as a "sum of products"? E.g.
 > >
 > > (2) -> 8*log(x)*sin(z)+4*log(x)^2+12*exp(y)*sin(z)+6*exp(y)*log(x)
 > >
 > > In Axiom, both of these expressions are rendered as
 > >
 > >     (8log(x) + 12exp(y))sin(z) + 4log(x)  + 6exp(y)log(x)
 > >                 Type: Expression Integer

For example:

(16) -> ex:=(2*log(x)+3*exp(y))*(4*sin(z)+2*log(x))

                        y                 2      y
   (16)  (8log(x) + 12%e )sin(z) + 4log(x)  + 6%e log(x)
                                                     Type: Expression Integer
(17) -> subst(ex, kernels ex, [x1,x2,x3])::DMP([x1,x2,x3], INT)

   (17)  8x1 x2 + 12x1 x3 + 4x2  + 6x2 x3
                  Type: DistributedMultivariatePolynomial([x1,x2,x3],Integer)

 > I use kernels to get the elementary functions.

please use the notion "kernel". The notion "elementary function" is already
taken by two other things ... ;-)

 > Can I substitute theses elementary functions to new variables, make
 > transforms over polynoms,


 > and substitute the variables back ?

Well, as soon as you go back, you'll loose the transformations you did...

The "deeper" reason why there is no domain DistributedExpression is probably
that DMP defined in gdpoly.spad asks for a List Symbol as variables. It
probably could be in fact any finite OrderedSet, but it would need some work to
get it done.

A simple workaround is 

out(p, kl, vl) == 
  if reductum p = 0 
  then (eval(leadingMonomial(p)::EXPR INT, vl, kl))::OUTFORM
  else (eval(leadingMonomial(p)::EXPR INT, vl, kl))::OUTFORM _
       + out(reductum p, kl, vl)

output ex == 
  kl := kernels ex
  vl := [subscript('x, [i::OutputForm]) for i in 1..#kl]
  out(subst(ex, kl, vl)::DMP(vl, INT), kl, vl)

Note that this returns an element of OUTFORM. This can be circumvented: highly
undebugged, undocumented and all the bad things :-)

)abb domain DEXPR DistributedExpression
DistributedExpression(R: Join(Ring, OrderedSet)): Exports == Implementation 

  EXPRR ==> Expression R

  Exports == FunctionSpace R

  Implementation == EXPRR add

      Rep := EXPRR

      out: (Polynomial R, List %, List %) -> OutputForm 
      out(p, kl, vl) == 
        ex := leadingMonomial(p)::%
        if reductum p = 0 
        then coerce(eval(ex, vl, kl))$Rep
        else coerce(eval(ex, vl, kl))$Rep _
             + out(reductum p, kl, vl)

      coerce(ex:%):OutputForm == 
        kl := kernels ex
        vl: List % := [subscript('x, [i::OutputForm])::Symbol::% for i in 
        ex1: % := subst(ex, kl, vl)$%
        kl1 := map(coerce(#1)$%, kl)$ListFunctions2(Kernel %, %)
        out(retract(ex1)@Polynomial(R), kl1, vl)

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