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[Axiom-developer] [ANN] Axiom Workshop rescheduled!

From: Martin Rubey
Subject: [Axiom-developer] [ANN] Axiom Workshop rescheduled!
Date: 04 Mar 2006 17:26:07 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4

Since it seems that it hasn't got through yet, I post it again...

Due to an unfortunate collission with another workshop at the same institute,
we were forced to re-schedule the axiom workshop 2006. The new date is

    Thursday, April 27, 10 am, to Saturday, April 29, noon.
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                Domain Specific Packages and their Mathematics

with a special focus on

                             Discrete Mathematics

will take place at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation

in Hagenberg, Austria

from Thursday, April 27, 10 am, to Saturday, April 29, noon.


Axiom is a Computer Algebra System with a long tradition.  It recently became
free software. See for more details

The workshop aims at a cooperation of Axiom developers with developers of
packages written for other Computer Algebra Systems or developers of
stand-alone packages.  Furthermore, the workshop wants to make the potential of
Axiom and Aldor more widely known in order to attract new users and new

If you would like to attend the workshop, please let us know until Friday,
March 31 at the very latest.

There will be time for a limited number of contributed talks. If you would like
to give a talk, please send us title and a short abstract as soon as possible.

There is no conference fee, but it is expected that participants pay
accommodation and meals themselves.  There is a limited number of rooms
available in Hagenberg for approximately 26 EUR/night.  Contact
address@hidden for details.


Apart from a crash-course in Axiom/Aldor, the following talks are planned:

Petr Hiliny:       MACEK - real structural computations with matroids

Martin Rubey:      Guessing formulas for sequences

Carsten Schneider: Sigma - A package for multi-summation

Nicolas M. Thiery: Implementing Algebraic Combinatorics -
                   some experiences with MuPAD-Combinat


Organisers: Ralf Hemmecke
            Martin Rubey

Email: address@hidden


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