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[Axiom-developer] Re: [Aldor-l] exports and constants

From: Ralf Hemmecke
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Re: [Aldor-l] exports and constants
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 02:12:17 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060516)

Hello Bill,

Thank you for your comments, but I don't seem to agree with everything.

Let's keep this programm since I'll refer to its output.

#include "aldor"
import from String, TextWriter, Character;

define CatA: Category == with { }
define CatB: Category == with { }
define SomeCat: Category == with { CatA; CatB; }
Dom: SomeCat == Integer add;

A == Dom;
B: CatA == Dom;
H: CatA == Dom add;

stdout << "A has CatA: " << ( A has CatA ) << newline;
stdout << "A has CatB: " << ( A has CatB ) << newline;
stdout << "B has CatA: " << ( B has CatA ) << newline;
stdout << "B has CatB: " << ( B has CatB ) << newline;
stdout << "H has CatA: " << ( H has CatA ) << newline;
stdout << "H has CatB: " << ( H has CatB ) << newline;

You get...
 >aldor -grun -laldor
A has CatA: T
A has CatB: T
B has CatA: T
B has CatB: T
H has CatA: T
H has CatB: F

In particular, that "B has CatB" is a bit surprising, isn't it?

I think you are dealing here with two separate but related issues:
1) *static* typing, and 2) inheritance rules. All types in Aldor
are static (or at least *nearly static*) meaning that they must be
resolved during the compilation phase.

The "B has CatB" result is not about static or dynamic. If you read the code above. Would you immediately be able to tell that the Type of B is NOT CatA (as "H: CatA" might suggest), but the same as the type of Dom?

Has someone found a description in the Aldor UG of whether this
is intended to be so or this should be considered a bug in the

No, I don't think it is a bug. This is all rather well (although
perhaps too tersely explained in the Aldor Users Guide, under
the heading of "Type Satisfaction", see section 7.7.

I know that the html version of the user guide at is a little different from the .pdf version, but it seems 7.7 and 7.8 are OK.
Looking at the pdf version, I cannot find good explanations of what

H: CatA == Dom;

actually means.

The constant assignment

H == Dom;

is clear, though. H inherits type and value of Dom.

There is a difference in the semantic, but I cannot
remember that I have found a proper explanation of what
"Ident: SomeType == Dom" actually means (no "add" here).

In the above the value of 'Ident' *is* 'Dom' whereas in the
previous case 'Ident' is the name of a new domain whose
"parent domain" is 'Dom' - like the difference between

If Ident *is* Dom then what do you think the ": SomeType" is for?

One cannot, however write something like

CatC: Category == with { }
H: CatC == Dom;
Of Course not, because Dom does not provide CatC.
Different from

A: CatA == Dom add;

the construct

H: CatA == Dom;

just means that H provides *at least* the exports of CatA, and the compiler can tell, if Dom provides less.

In the first case you are defining a new domain A which
satisfies only CatA. In the second case you are saying
that H is identical to Dom, but the compiler knows that
is not true.

First and second is not so clear to me now. Can you repeat your statement. In particular I don't understand your last sentence.

You can interpret both kinds as "provides at least".

No, I don't think that is true.

Well, the compiler behaves according to "provides at least" if you write

H: CatA == Dom;

That would compile, whereas

H: CatC == Dom;

would not.

It is going to be interesting.

Take for example

A: Join(CatA, CatX) == add {...}
B: Join(CatB, CatX) == add {...}
X: CatX == if odd? random() then A else B;

It is clear that X cannot export more than CatX. In such constructions the additional exports of A and B cannot be
I am a bit puzzled right now. The line

X: CatX == if odd? random() then A else B;
causes problems and does not compile. Furthermore, for

X: CatX == A
X has both CatA and CatX, as expected ... Could you detail on that problem.
Sorry, I have not tested that line and I also cannot compile it.

The reason of course is because the expression 'odd? random()'
is not static - it does not have a well-defined value at the
time that the source is compiled. It is only later when the
code is run that we can know if the condition is true or false
in a particular instance. The Aldor compiler is not able to
compile *types* of this kind.

Bill you should have tried the following piece of code.

#include "aldor"
define CatA: Category == with;
define CatB: Category == with;
define CatX: Category == with;

A: Join(CatX, CatA) == add;
B: Join(CatX, CatB) == add;
#if ADD
import from MachineInteger;
X: CatX == if odd? random(10) then (A add) else (B add);
X: CatX == if true then A else B;

>aldor -fx -laldor -DADD

compiles without any complaints. Now try without the ADD assertion.

>aldor -fx -laldor
"", line 14: X: CatX == if true then A else B;
[L14 C12] #1 (Error) Have determined 0 possible types for the expression.
  Subexpression `A':
        Meaning 1:
                Join(CatX, CatA) with
  Subexpression `B':
        Meaning 1:
                Join(CatX, CatB) with
  The context requires an expression of type CatX.

Are you now a bit more puzzled?

Random things are not the problem. Obviously "A" and "A add" are not (treated) identical by the compiler.

Now if we assume that

X: CatX == if true then A else B;

yield an X of the type of the domain on the right hand side then the compiler has to match the types of A and B (they have to be equal). Try to replace B by A in the code above and the compiler will not complain anymore.

And to make you even more happy...

#include "aldor"
#include "aldorio"
macro I == MachineInteger;
define CatX: Category == with {foo: () -> I}
A: CatX == add {foo(): I == 0;}
B: CatX == add {foo(): I == 1;}

import from MachineInteger;
X: CatX == if odd? random(10) then A else B;

main(): () == {
        import from X;
        stdout << foo() << newline;

woodpecker:~>aldor -fx -laldor

It's only the type of X that must be clear at compile time. But maybe even that is just a current restriction of the compiler. Categories are first class values and they should be computable at runtime. But I won't go into detail since there are certain problems that occur if categories are truly "first class".

The interesting part of is that now if one writes

X: CatX == if odd? random(10) then (A add) else (B add);

(with the "add"), the program does not compile anymore in contrast to above.

>aldor -fx -laldor
"", line 13:         stdout << foo() << newline;
[L13 C19] #1 (Error) There are no suitable meanings for the operator `foo'.

#include "aldor"
import from String, TextWriter, Character;

define CatA: Category == with;
define CatB: Category == with;
define CatX: Category == with;

A: CatX with { CatA } == add;
B: CatX with { CatB } == add;

X: CatX == if true then (A add) else (B add); -- (*)

stdout << "X has CatA: " << ( X has CatA ) << newline;
stdout << "X has CatB: " << ( X has CatB ) << newline;
stdout << "X has CatX: " << ( X has CatX ) << newline;

aldor -grun -laldor
X has CatA: F
X has CatB: F
X has CatX: T

That is clear, but why does the compiler reject the program without the "add" in line (*)?

It is because the types of A and B are not a subtypes of CatX.
But X can be a member of CatX defined by (A add) or (B add).

I don't understand.
A is of type Join(CatX, CatA) and you are saying that this is not a subtype of CatX??? Similar for B.

#include "aldor"
import from String, TextWriter, Character, MachineInteger;

define CatA: Category == with;
define CatB: Category == with;
define CatX: Category == with;

A: Join(CatX, CatA) == add;
B: Join(CatX, CatB) == add;

MyPkg(X: CatX): with {isA?: () -> Boolean} == add {
        isA?(): Boolean == X has CatA;
main(): () == {
        import from CommandLine, Array String;
        X: CatX == if zero? #arguments then (A add) else (B add);
        stdout << isA?()$MyPkg(X) << zero? #arguments << newline;

 >aldor -fx -laldor
 >aaa3 1

Static type again: the value of 'isA()' is determined at
compile time and does not depend on #arguments.

That is completely wrong. If "isA?()" would be computed at compile time,
I would be really amazed. X is a parameter to MyPkg. How should the compiler be able to evaluate "X has CatA" at all?

Of course it would be easy to write

main(): () == {
        import from CommandLine, Array String;
        b: Boolean := zero? #arguments;
        stdout << (if b then isA?()$MyPkg(A) else isA?()$MyPkg(B));
        stdout << zero? #arguments << newline;

and obtain TT and FF, but that is not a "nice" solution.

Imagine there were another 2 domains R and S that would take a domain of type CatX as input and return a domain whose exports
depend on the input. (A polynomial construction Dense/Sparse
(for R and S) over some coefficient domain (for A and B) would
be a common example.)

This is possible because as types domains are static in Aldor.

It's soon becoming quite cumbersome and unreadable if it is done in the way the last main() function demonstrates.

This is an argument for dynamic types, which certainly is
possible (e.g. Lisp), but efficient compilation is much more
difficult to achieve. One of the beautiful things about Aldor
is that it seems to do so much in spite of it's static
type system.

Maybe I don't quite understand your "static", but I believe that what I have demonstrated above shows that Aldor just requires that types are constant in a certain context, but otherwise one can do quite a lot with them.

My feeling is that categories are not really "first class" in Aldor (which is certainly another issue). I haven't seen any reasonable program that computes a category and then creates a domain that belongs to that category. That the compiler cannot handle computed categories, I can understand, but I don't even know whether it would be useful to treat categories as "first class citizens".


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