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[Axiom-developer] Re: [Aldor-l] kTuple wish

From: Christian Aistleitner
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Re: [Aldor-l] kTuple wish
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2007 15:59:58 +0200
User-agent: Opera Mail/9.10 (Linux)


On Thu, 29 Mar 2007 02:03:25 +0200, Ralf Hemmecke <address@hidden> wrote:

So I would rather need something like
"Cross", but I cannot even ask about the number of arguments of Cross.

one can easily teach Aldor about the size of a Cross with the help of extend. Then you can ask a Cross about the number of elements. I already discussed the details with Ralf via private mail, so I am just stating it here for the record. If anybody else is interested in this, I will share some code.

#include "aldor"
I ==> MachineInteger;
S(T: PrimitiveType): PrimitiveType == I;
main(): () == {
        A ==> S Integer;
        B ==> S String;
        a: A := (0$I) pretend A; -- I need some value ...
        b: B := (1$I) pretend B; -- forgive the "pretend" ...
        equal?: Boolean := a = b;

It currently dose not compile (Aldor 1.0.3):

I am not too sure whether it should compile.

First of all, I think notation is misleading here. The "==" in

S(T: PrimitiveType): PrimitiveType == I;

does not necessary mean that the function S maps to the same I every time. This is somehow the synopsis, now for the details. From my point of view, the above definition of S is a shorthand notation for

S: PrimitiveType -> PrimitiveType == ( T: PrimitiveType ): PrimitiveType +-> I;

. (I quickly wanted to check the AUG on this concern, only to find out that I cannot find my rewrite suggestion, but only Ralf's way (page 61) of writing it. Nevertheless, I thoroughly believe, that my kind of writing it is the way the compiler looks at it, and Ralf's way is just a short-hand notation.) Using this rewritten definition, it is more obvious, what the "==" refers to. It definitely denotes that the function is constant, not the result. But you did not claim otherwise.

Within the AUG, you'll find that typically only the left-hand side of the == is seen at certain stages of compilation. So lets omit the righthand part of S's definition:

  S: PrimitiveType -> PrimitiveType ==

Now it is indeed hard to see that

        A ==> S Integer;
        B ==> S String;
        a: A := (0$I) pretend A; -- I need some value ...
        b: B := (1$I) pretend B; -- forgive the "pretend" ...
        equal?: Boolean := a = b;

should compile, there is no obvious reason (S Integer) and (S String) should evaluate to the same PrimitiveType.

Having seen this from this more abstract point of view, let's investigate the right-hand side of S's definition

  ( T: PrimitiveType ): PrimitiveType +-> I;

. Why should this functional evaluate to the same PrimitiveType again and again (And this condition would have to be satisfied before allowing the compiler to somehow compile above code)? From a previous discussion, we learned that in Aldor functions typically are not functional. The exception are expressions in type context. "S Integer" and "S String" are in type context in the above piece of code. Nevertheless, type context does not resolve the problem, because it basically tells us that the types of
  c: S Integer
  d: S Integer
match, not that the type of a and b match. Type context allows to compile the line

        a: A := (0$I) pretend A;

as otherwise, S would be evaluated twice at Integer.
As the exception of non-functionality does not help or apply to the problem. S has to be evaluated twice--once for Integer and once for String. For each of the evaluations (which happen at run-time from my point of view), the function S happens to return the same value. This observation can only be made at run time and not at compile time, as the "I" may be arbitrary code.

Your code is the rather (seldom case) where the value (I) is hidden just to get more structure (S). One could argue that Aldor should treat this case properly.
However, only slight variations of your code (e.g.:

  S(T: PrimitiveType): PrimitiveType == Fraction I;

) have a different semantics. For such an S (with the above macros),

        a: A := (0$I) pretend A;

should work (type context of S String), but

        a: A := (0$I) pretend A;
        b: B := (1$I) pretend B;
        equal?: Boolean := a = b;

_has_ to fail. As Fraction Integer is not in type context, it _should_ give _different_ instances of fractions over the domain MachineInteger. This was just to show that your code is really rather the special case. Nevertheless, I see that you want and need the compiler to compile

        equal?: Boolean := a = b;

in your setting. The first line of your message was

The following text describes a weakness of the Aldor language.

so we both agree that this it not a bug in the compiler (sigh), but rather you need something Aldor has not been designed to do.

Kind regards,

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