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[Axiom-developer] mantepse.spad

From: Ralf Hemmecke
Subject: [Axiom-developer] mantepse.spad
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:54:36 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070716)


  <<domain UFPS UnivariateFormalPowerSeries>>=

  <<dom: UFPS UnivariateFormalPowerSeries>>

I don't know what happened to that file, but on
I don't find "<<domain ...>>=". But as Tim said, it is in wh-sandbox.
And there it is wrong. Tim, maybe you try the version from the wiki.

Thus you posted algebra that will not weave.

Tim, you must have meant "tangle". For "weave" that error is completely irrelevant.

Waldek, how come that mantepse.spad.pamphlet does not lead to an error at tangle time?

wh-sandbox/src/algebra>notangle mantepse.spad.pamphlet > aaa.spad
undefined chunk name: <<dom: UFPS UnivariateFormalPowerSeries>>

The error code of noweb is 2. That should be caught by the document command.


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