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[baby-devel] BabyChess 13.pre.37 (beta)

From: Jerome Kunegis
Subject: [baby-devel] BabyChess 13.pre.37 (beta)
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 17:12:32 +0100 (MET)


I have released BabyChess 13.pre.37.  It's beta version that will
become BabyChess 13, which is planned for release in a few weeks.

It is available as source at:


Please test this release if you can.  You need the following
programs/libraries installed:

    - Cook (a replacement for Make).  Get it at
    - GTK+ 1.2.  This should be available on most Unix computers. 

If you want to test it on Windows:  GTK+ doesn't work.  However you
may test the XBoard engine.

How to compile a debug version:

$    sh/build -d PROGRAM 

Where PROGRAM can be:

   - gui_game:  Tha game editor.
   - gui_game_archive:  The PGN editor.
   - gui_position:  The position editor.
   - gui_ics:  The ICS client.
   - chess_evaluator:  The chess evaluator (required by gui_game and
   - xboard_engine:  The XBoard engine.

Programs will be compiled into `bin/baby_chess_evaluator'.  

Read the file `etc/TODO' for things that must be done for v13.

Read the files in the `etc' directory of the release for more


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