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Re: [tim-3] Improved DJGPP support in src/files.c

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: [tim-3] Improved DJGPP support in src/files.c
Date: 07 Jan 2002 10:37:07 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp)

>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Van Holder <address@hidden> writes:

Tim> This is a bit bigger than the previous two, so I'll probably need
Tim> papers.  Could you send me the request form, Akim?

Tim> What this does:

Nope, I'm against this one.  The reason is that first we have to clean
up completely the handling of these files, then we have to add a
--include facility hence a completely different scheme to walk through
paths, and _then_ we'll move to DJGPP.  But now is too soon, sorry

Also, as you may know, I'm absolutely against any system dedicated
code in src/: if something requires a special treatment, it should be
hidden in lib/.

If you want to help, then amongst the most urgent tasks in this area
is the use of base_name (note the underscore) from the fileutils 4.1:
you'll need to import the Autoconf macros too etc.  It must replace
the atrocious functions to be found in files.c.

This is needed for the 1.29 branch too.

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