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Re: custom error messages

From: Kevin Villela
Subject: Re: custom error messages
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2020 07:27:18 -0600

I should mention that our use-case for ZetaSQL
<> is basically identical to that of
Tableau's as Adrian described it. We use it for an autocompleter
(Google-internal only, for now, so no code links) and do the same
IDENTIFIER search followed by pruning any keywords after a sentinel token.
Our main parser
is also based off the skeleton, but when I added Autocompletion I
didn't have Adrian's skill/patience to add Look-Ahead Correction to that
skeleton (thanks for doing that btw!), and instead created a parallel
parser based off of the yacc.c skeleton, which did have LAC implemented.

On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 6:13 AM Adrian Vogelsgesang <
address@hidden> wrote:

> Hi Akim,
> I am happy to see you are looking into improving error reporting.
> We at Tableau also struggled with this. I think your proposed solution,
> in particular "parse.error custom", would improve things a lot for us.
> Our parser uses the C++ skeleton, though. In case you are interested,
> I could take care of the C++ work, as soon as the we know which exact
> interface we want to support.
> Also, I would like to explain our particular use case in this email,
> as it differs from the other use cases you mentioned.
> I am by no means implying that this use case is common or that it
> should be supported. I just wanted to share this particular use case
> as an example for more esoteric functionality people might be asking
> for.
> Our grammar is structured similarly to the Postgres grammar
> (
> )
> If we take a look at ColId, type_function_name, NonReservedWord (lines
> 15064
> and following), we can see that in most places where IDENT (i.e.
> identifiers)
> are accepted, also "unreserved_keyword" are accepted. Now, if someone types
> there is a syntax error near "$1" and the list of expected tokens would
> include the complete "unreserved_keyword" list, i.e. ~300 keywords.
> Obviously
> this is pointless.
> Hence, we have custom logic in place which checks if the IDENT token is
> among the expected tokens. If so, we supress all tokens with an internal
> token number larger than the token number of "ABORT_P" - which happen to be
> all keywords.
> You can find our current "solution" attached to this email. You can run
> this
> Python script against a C++ parser generated by bison and it will inject
> our
> custom error handling code.
> Cheers,
> Adrian
> *From: *bison-patches <bison-patches-bounces+avogelsgesang=
> address@hidden> on behalf of Akim Demaille <address@hidden>
> *Date: *Friday, 3 January 2020 at 11:07
> *To: *Bison Patches <address@hidden>
> *Cc: *Derek Clegg <address@hidden>, Christian Schoenebeck <
> address@hidden>, Kevin Villela <address@hidden>, Rici Lake <
> address@hidden>
> *Subject: *RFC: custom error messages
> Hi all,
> There is quite some demand to provide the users with more freedom
> to customize the error messages. There's also demand for us to stop
> double-quoting the token names in the table of the symbol names. For
> instance in Bison's own parser we have
> | static const char *const yytname[] =
> | {
> | "\"end of file\"", "error", "$undefined", "\"string\"", "\"%token\"",
> | "\"%nterm\"", "\"%type\"", "\"%destructor\"", "\"%printer\"",
> | "\"%left\"", "\"%right\"", "\"%nonassoc\"", "\"%precedence\"",
> | "\"%prec\"", "\"%dprec\"", "\"%merge\"", "\"%code\"",
> | "\"%default-prec\"", "\"%define\"", "\"%defines\"", "\"%error-verbose\"",
> | "\"%expect\"", "\"%expect-rr\"", "\"%<flag>\"", "\"%file-prefix\"",
> | "\"%glr-parser\"", "\"%initial-action\"", "\"%language\"",
> | "\"%name-prefix\"", "\"%no-default-prec\"", "\"%no-lines\"",
> | "\"%nondeterministic-parser\"", "\"%output\"", "\"%pure-parser\"",
> | "\"%require\"", "\"%skeleton\"", "\"%start\"", "\"%token-table\"",
> | "\"%verbose\"", "\"%yacc\"", "\"{...}\"", "\"%?{...}\"",
> | "\"[identifier]\"", "\"character literal\"", "\":\"", "\"epilogue\"",
> | "\"=\"", "\"identifier\"", "\"identifier:\"", "\"%%\"", "\"|\"",
> | "\"%{...%}\"", "\";\"", "\"<tag>\"", "\"<*>\"", "\"<>\"", "\"integer\"",
> | "\"%param\"", "\"%union\"", "\"%empty\"", "$accept", "input",
> | "prologue_declarations", "prologue_declaration", "$@1", "params",
> | "grammar_declaration", "code_props_type", "union_name",
> | "symbol_declaration", "$@2", "$@3", "precedence_declarator", "tag.opt",
> | "generic_symlist", "generic_symlist_item", "tag", "nterm_decls",
> | "token_decls", "token_decl.1", "token_decl", "int.opt",
> | "token_decls_for_prec", "token_decl_for_prec.1", "token_decl_for_prec",
> | "symbol_decls", "symbol_decl.1", "grammar",
> | "rules_or_grammar_declaration", "rules", "$@4", "rhses.1", "rhs",
> | "named_ref.opt", "variable", "value", "id", "id_colon", "symbol",
> | "string_as_id", "string_as_id.opt", "epilogue.opt", YY_NULLPTR
> | };
> This double-escaping wrecks non-ASCII string literals, such as
> mathematical symbols written in UTF-8. It also is a problem when you
> want to translate your symbols.
> About one year ago I made a first attempt to address this:
> That
> series of patches completely changed the semantics of yytname (by
> removing this double-quotation). I was quite happy with the result (I
> liked a lot the fact that there was just one implementation, not a
> host of alternatives, as that's the kind of things that make Bison
> hard to maintain). I thought we were done, but there were a few
> problems.
> One severe issue brought to my attention by Rici Lake (unfortunately
> privately, although he had written a very nice and detailed mail with
> all the details) is that this would break several existing parsers
> that expect yytname to be this way. For instance he pointed to
> currently not responding, but the code is:
> | for (k = 0; k < YYNTOKENS; k++)
> | {
> | if (yytname[k] && yytname[k][0] == '\"'
> | && !strncmp (yytname[k] + 1, string, len)
> | && yytname[k][len + 1] == '\"' && !yytname[k][len + 2])
> | return yytoknum[k];
> | }
> While I was okay that my changes would modify some error messages of
> some parsers, I did not want to break parsers. Note that the core
> problem here is that some people use yytname to write their scanners.
> In other words, they use the string literal not as a means to
> customize the error messages, but to encode in some way their scanner.
> We cannot satisfy both needs (better error messages and helping the
> definition of the scanner) at the same time. I fully support the use
> of string literals for better error messages, and will not help to use
> them for the scanner. I will pay attention not to break existing
> code, but I will not make any efforts to make it easier, nor to be
> portable across skeletons (in the future though, Bison will help these
> users, but by a totally different means).
> I looked at how people use yytnamerr on GitHub (see at the end of this
> message) and I would summarize that:
> - some users "fight" the double quotation there
> - some users want to translate the token names
> - some users want to customize their error messages and try to
> shoehorn that into yytnamerr. The example of PHP is particularly
> enlightening
> I think we can satisfy everybody by offering alternatives to "%define
> parse.error verbose".
> With "%define parse.error rich" (for lack of a better idea,
> suggestions most welcome), you get something equivalent to 'verbose'
> but (i) there is no double quotation, (ii) there is support for symbol
> translation (as in
> This
> would _not_ support yytnamerr.
> With "%define parse.error custom", the user must define the
> yyreport_syntax_error function, which is fully responsible to emit the
> syntax error message. In the branch yyreport_syntax_error (see
>, the example looks like this:
> | int
> | yyreport_syntax_error (const yysyntax_error_context_t *ctx)
> | {
> | /* Arguments of yyformat: reported tokens (one for the "unexpected",
> | one per "expected"). */
> | char const *arg[YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM];
> | int n = yysyntax_error_arguments (ctx, arg, sizeof arg / sizeof *arg);
> | if (n == -2)
> | return 2;
> | fprintf (stderr, "SYNTAX ERROR on token [%s]", arg[0]);
> | if (1 < n)
> | {
> | fprintf (stderr, " (expected:");
> | for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
> | fprintf (stderr, " [%s]", arg[i]);
> | fprintf (stderr, ")");
> | }
> | fprintf (stderr, "\n");
> | return 0;
> | }
> Again, this would not use yytnamerr; it's up to the user to implement
> and call whatever transformation she wants on the error message. And
> there would be no double quotation in yytname.
> Chistian made a strong case in favor of what he called "push" API
> rather than pull:
> May 11th 2019, Christian Schoenebeck <address@hidden>
> (
> > My old concerns still apply, that is I still find a push design
> > (that is you call Bison API functions you need explicitly in your
> > yyerror() implementation to get just the information you need for
> > the error message) more appropriate, flexible, powerful and API
> > stable than a pull design (where you would get a predefined list of
> > information passed to your yyerror_whatever() implementation; like
> > eat it or leave it).
> >
> > The push design has various advantages. E.g. Bison can easily be
> > extended with new API functions if somebody needs another
> > information, without breaking the previous API and people's existing
> > yyerror() implementations. No matter what kind of arguments Bison
> > would pass to that suggested yyerror_*() function today, I am sure
> > later on people would ask about different information to be provided
> > by Bison as well, or in a different way. Some of them might even be
> > exotic from your point of view, but legitimate for certain use
> > cases, some might become replaced & deprecated, etc. Plus developers
> > could duplicate and modify the parser state without touching the
> > current state to see potential future information, etc.
> I think he is right, hence the call to yysyntax_error_arguments which
> returns the list of expected/unexpected tokens.
> I can't make up my mind on whether returning the list of expected
> tokens as strings (as exemplified above), or simply as their symbol
> numbers. Symbol numbers are more efficient, yet they are the
> *internal* symbol numbers, not the ones the user is exposed to.
> I'm not sure I really want the unexpected token to be in the same
> array. Maybe some day we would like to have $undefined have a string
> semantic value, where we would write the unexpected string:
> $ echo "1+&" | ./_build/g9d/examples/c/calc/calc
> SYNTAX ERROR on string [&] (expected: ["number"] ['('])
> would look better than
> $ echo "1+&" | ./_build/g9d/examples/c/calc/calc
> SYNTAX ERROR on token [$undefined] (expected: ["number"] ['('])
> If you are familiar with the current implementation of 'verbose' error
> reporting in yacc.c, you'll see that you cannot emulate it with the
> custom API I propose. That's because the 'verbose' implementation
> goes into a lot of troubles so that the error message is built and
> stored in yyparse's stack frame (using alloca). That requires a two
> step calling convention, where first one would first ask "how much
> space do I need for the error message" and a last one is "I allocated
> this much space here, please strcpy the error message here". This is
> too complex, I don't think we should support such a complex protocol.
> I also plan to get rid of YYERROR_VERBOSE. Juggling with CPP and M4
> at the same time is a nightmare. YYERROR_VERBOSE was deprecated
> looong ago (Bison 2.6, 2012-07-19, claims that's deprecated since
> 1.875
> I would really appreciate comments on this proposal. Sorry for making
> it so long.
> Cheers!
> # hayate891/linuxsampler -- Parser for NKSP real-time instrument script
> language
> They have single quotes in their string literals, yet they don't want
> the outer quotes (which are not removed by the default yytnamerr if
> there are single quotes). IOW, would not be needed with my changes.
> ```
> /// Custom implementation of yytnamerr() to ensure quotation is always
> stripped from token names before printing them to error messages.
> int InstrScript_tnamerr(char* yyres, const char* yystr) {
> if (*yystr == '"') {
> int yyn = 0;
> char const *yyp = yystr;
> for (;;)
> switch (*++yyp)
> {
> /*
> case '\'':
> case ',':
> goto do_not_strip_quotes;
> case '\\':
> if (*++yyp != '\\')
> goto do_not_strip_quotes;
> */
> /* Fall through. */
> default:
> if (yyres)
> yyres[yyn] = *yyp;
> yyn++;
> break;
> case '"':
> if (yyres)
> yyres[yyn] = '\0';
> return yyn;
> }
> /*
> do_not_strip_quotes: ;
> */
> }
> if (! yyres)
> return (int) yystrlen (yystr);
> return int( yystpcpy (yyres, yystr) - yyres );
> }
> ```
> # Ortelius maps your microservice configurations with their relationships
> to the application that use them
> Display literal tokens with quotes around them (e.g., as [unexpected
> "action"], not as [unexpected "\"action\""].
> Would not be needed with straight display.
> ```
> %token <bval> T_BOOL "boolean value"
> %token <ival> NUM "integer value"
> %token <str> STR STR2 "string literal"
> %token <str> IDENT "identifier"
> %token <str> DOLIDENT "$identifier"
> %token T_ACTION "\"action\""
> %token T_BREAK "\"break\""
> %token T_CASE "\"case\""
> %token T_CATCH "\"catch\""
> ```
> ```
> case '\\':
> ++yyp;
> /* RHT mod - allow double-quotes to be escaped */
> if((*yyp != '\\') && (*yyp != '"')) {
> goto do_not_strip_quotes;
> }
> ```
> # PHP
> ```
> %token <ast> T_LNUMBER "integer number (T_LNUMBER)"
> %token <ast> T_DNUMBER "floating-point number (T_DNUMBER)"
> %token <ast> T_STRING "identifier (T_STRING)"
> %token <ast> T_VARIABLE "variable (T_VARIABLE)"
> %token <ast> T_INLINE_HTML
> %token <ast> T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE "quoted-string and whitespace
> %token <ast> T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING "quoted-string
> %token <ast> T_STRING_VARNAME "variable name (T_STRING_VARNAME)"
> %token <ast> T_NUM_STRING "number (T_NUM_STRING)"
> ```
> They maintain state between the different calls to yytname to know
> whether its the unexpected token, or one of the expected. To this end
> they use `CG(parse_error)`, changed in yytnamerr.
> ```
> # define CG(v) (compiler_globals.v)
> ```
> ```
> /* Copy to YYRES the contents of YYSTR after stripping away unnecessary
> quotes and backslashes, so that it's suitable for yyerror. The
> heuristic is that double-quoting is unnecessary unless the string
> contains an apostrophe, a comma, or backslash (other than
> backslash-backslash). YYSTR is taken from yytname. If YYRES is
> null, do not copy; instead, return the length of what the result
> would have been. */
> static YYSIZE_T zend_yytnamerr(char *yyres, const char *yystr)
> {
> /* CG(parse_error) states:
> * 0 => yyres = NULL, yystr is the unexpected token
> * 1 => yyres = NULL, yystr is one of the expected tokens
> * 2 => yyres != NULL, yystr is the unexpected token
> * 3 => yyres != NULL, yystr is one of the expected tokens
> */
> if (yyres && CG(parse_error) < 2) {
> CG(parse_error) = 2;
> }
> if (CG(parse_error) % 2 == 0) {
> /* The unexpected token */
> char buffer[120];
> const unsigned char *end, *str, *tok1 = NULL, *tok2 = NULL;
> unsigned int len = 0, toklen = 0, yystr_len;
> CG(parse_error)++;
> if (LANG_SCNG(yy_text)[0] == 0 &&
> LANG_SCNG(yy_leng) == 1 &&
> strcmp(yystr, "\"end of file\"") == 0) {
> if (yyres) {
> yystpcpy(yyres, "end of file");
> }
> return sizeof("end of file")-1;
> }
> str = LANG_SCNG(yy_text);
> end = memchr(str, '\n', LANG_SCNG(yy_leng));
> yystr_len = (unsigned int)yystrlen(yystr);
> if ((tok1 = memchr(yystr, '(', yystr_len)) != NULL
> && (tok2 = zend_memrchr(yystr, ')', yystr_len)) != NULL) {
> toklen = (tok2 - tok1) + 1;
> } else {
> tok1 = tok2 = NULL;
> toklen = 0;
> }
> if (end == NULL) {
> len = LANG_SCNG(yy_leng) > 30 ? 30 : LANG_SCNG(yy_leng);
> } else {
> len = (end - str) > 30 ? 30 : (end - str);
> }
> if (yyres) {
> if (toklen) {
> snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "'%.*s' %.*s", len, str, toklen, tok1);
> } else {
> snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "'%.*s'", len, str);
> }
> yystpcpy(yyres, buffer);
> }
> return len + (toklen ? toklen + 1 : 0) + 2;
> }
> /* One of the expected tokens */
> if (!yyres) {
> return yystrlen(yystr) - (*yystr == '"' ? 2 : 0);
> }
> if (*yystr == '"') {
> YYSIZE_T yyn = 0;
> const char *yyp = yystr;
> for (; *++yyp != '"'; ++yyn) {
> yyres[yyn] = *yyp;
> }
> yyres[yyn] = '\0';
> return yyn;
> }
> yystpcpy(yyres, yystr);
> return strlen(yystr);
> }
> ```
> GC(parse_error) is reset when the error message is reported:
> ```
> ZEND_COLD void zenderror(const char *error) /* {{{ */
> {
> CG(parse_error) = 0;
> if (EG(exception)) {
> /* An exception was thrown in the lexer, don't throw another in the
> parser. */
> return;
> }
> zend_throw_exception(zend_ce_parse_error, error, 0);
> }
> /* }}} */
> ```
> # PolishReadabilityChecker
> They want i18n. I don't see where the other tokens are defined though.
> ```
> static size_t yytnamerr(char *yyres, const char *yystr)
> {
> const char *translation = _(yystr);
> size_t length = strlen(translation);
> if (yyres != NULL)
> strcpy(yyres, translation);
> return length;
> }
> #if 0
> M_("$undefined");
> M_("$end");
> #endif
> ```
> # Daruma BASIC for Raspberry Pi and Mac OS X
> They want I18n.
> ```
> const char *err_msg[] = {
> "only one WHILE/UNTIL condition may appear with DO or LOOP keyword",
> "undefined symbol %s",
> ```
> ```
> const char *translated_err_msg[] = {
> "DO...LOOPのWHILE/UNTIL条件は一つまでです",
> "%sは未定義です",
> ```
> ```
> unsigned int
> my_yytnamerr(char *yyres, const char *yystr)
> {
> /* This is a patch to remove 'BS_' from the token name */
> if (strncmp(yystr, "BS_", 3) == 0)
> yystr += 3;
> /* End patch */
> ```
> ```
> /* Reserved words */
> ```
> # Intel SPMD Program Compiler
> yytnamerr starts with an addition to be able to rename some of the
> tokens. Otherwise, back to the default implementation.
> This is C++, yet they use yacc.c.
> ```
> static int
> lYYTNameErr (char *yyres, const char *yystr)
> {
> extern std::map<std::string, std::string> tokenNameRemap;
> Assert(tokenNameRemap.size() > 0);
> if (tokenNameRemap.find(yystr) != tokenNameRemap.end()) {
> std::string n = tokenNameRemap[yystr];
> if (yyres == NULL)
> return n.size();
> else
> return yystpcpy(yyres, n.c_str()) - yyres;
> }
> if (*yystr == '"')
> {
> YYSIZE_T yyn = 0;
> char const *yyp = yystr;
> for (;;)
> switch (*++yyp)
> {
> case '\'':
> case ',':
> goto do_not_strip_quotes;
> case '\\':
> if (*++yyp != '\\')
> goto do_not_strip_quotes;
> /* Fall through. */
> default:
> if (yyres)
> yyres[yyn] = *yyp;
> yyn++;
> break;
> case '"':
> if (yyres)
> yyres[yyn] = '\0';
> return yyn;
> }
> do_not_strip_quotes: ;
> }
> if (! yyres)
> return yystrlen (yystr);
> return yystpcpy (yyres, yystr) - yyres;
> }
> ```
> ```
> void ParserInit() {
> tokenToName[TOKEN_ASSERT] = "assert";
> tokenToName[TOKEN_BOOL] = "bool";
> tokenToName[TOKEN_BREAK] = "break";
> tokenToName[TOKEN_CASE] = "case";
> tokenToName[TOKEN_CDO] = "cdo";
> tokenToName[TOKEN_CFOR] = "cfor";
> tokenToName[TOKEN_CIF] = "cif";
> ```
> ```
> tokenNameRemap["TOKEN_ASSERT"] = "\'assert\'";
> tokenNameRemap["TOKEN_BOOL"] = "\'bool\'";
> tokenNameRemap["TOKEN_BREAK"] = "\'break\'";
> tokenNameRemap["TOKEN_CASE"] = "\'case\'";
> tokenNameRemap["TOKEN_CDO"] = "\'cdo\'";
> tokenNameRemap["TOKEN_CFOR"] = "\'cfor\'";
> ```
> # Ruby
> ```
> /*
> * strip enclosing double-quotes, same as the default yytnamerr except
> * for that single-quotes matching back-quotes do not stop stripping.
> *
> * "\"`class' keyword\"" => "`class' keyword"
> */
> rb_yytnamerr(struct parser_params *p, char *yyres, const char *yystr)
> {
> YYUSE(p);
> if (*yystr == '"') {
> size_t yyn = 0, bquote = 0;
> const char *yyp = yystr;
> ```

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