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doc: overhaul of the readmes

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: doc: overhaul of the readmes
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2020 15:00:18 +0200

commit 160df55c569ccb13aaa13eb6e87e427f9a6cdc30
Author: Akim Demaille <>
Date:   Sun Jun 28 14:35:55 2020 +0200

    doc: overhaul of the readmes
    * (Working from the Repository): Make it first to
    make it easier to find the instructions to build from the repo.
    (Implementation Notes): New.
    * README: Provide more links.

diff --git a/README b/README
index f5748c3c..705cbd7d 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -17,17 +17,18 @@ GNU Bison's home page is
 # Installation
 ## Build from git
-Here are basic installation instructions for a repository checkout:
+The [ file]( is about building, modifying
+and checking Bison.  See its "Working from the Repository" section to build
+Bison from the git repo.  Roughly, run:
     $ git submodule update --init
     $ ./bootstrap
 then proceed with the usual `configure && make` steps.
-The file is about building, modifying and checking Bison.
 ## Build from tarball
-See the file INSTALL for generic compilation and installation instructions.
+See the [INSTALL file](INSTALL] for generic compilation and installation
 Bison requires GNU m4 1.4.6 or later.  See
diff --git a/ b/
index a7c33af7..12b1b264 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,185 +5,6 @@ Everything related to the development of Bison is on Savannah:
-## If you incorporate a change from somebody on the net:
-First, if it is a large change, you must make sure they have signed the
-appropriate paperwork.  Second, be sure to add their name and email address
-## If a change fixes a test, mention the test in the commit message.
-## Bug reports
-If somebody reports a new bug, mention his name in the commit message and in
-the test case you write.  Put him into THANKS.
-The correct response to most actual bugs is to write a new test case which
-demonstrates the bug.  Then fix the bug, re-run the test suite, and check
-everything in.
-## Visible Changes
-Which include serious bug fixes, must be mentioned in NEWS.
-## Translations
-Only user visible strings are to be translated: error messages, bits of the
-.output file etc.  This excludes impossible error messages (comparable to
-assert/abort), and all the --trace output which is meant for the maintainers
-## Vocabulary
-- "nonterminal", not "variable" or "non-terminal" or "non terminal".
-  Abbreviated as "nterm".
-- "shift/reduce" and "reduce/reduce", not "shift-reduce" or "shift reduce",
-  etc.
-## Syntax highlighting
-It's quite nice to be in C++ mode when editing for instance.
-However tools such as Emacs will be fooled by the fact that braces and
-parens do not nest, as in `[[}]]`.  As a consequence you might be misguided
-by its visual pairing to parens.  The m4-mode is safer.  Unfortunately the
-m4-mode is also fooled by `#` which is sees as a comment, stops pairing with
-parens/brackets that are inside...
-## Coding Style
-Do not add horizontal tab characters to any file in Bison's repository
-except where required.  For example, do not use tabs to format C code.
-However, make files, ChangeLog, and some regular expressions require tabs.
-Also, test cases might need to contain tabs to check that Bison properly
-processes tabs in its input.
-Prefer "res" as the name of the local variable that will be "return"ed by
-the function.
-### Bison
-Follow the GNU Coding Standards.
-Don't reinvent the wheel: we use gnulib, which features many components.
-Actually, Bison has legacy code that we should replace with gnulib modules
-(e.g., many ad hoc implementations of lists).
-#### Includes
-The `#include` directives follow an order:
-- first section for *.c files is `<config.h>`.  Don't include it in header
-  files
-- then, for *.c files, the corresponding *.h file
-- then possibly the `"system.h"` header
-- then the system headers.
-  Consider headers from `lib/` like system headers (i.e., `#include
-  <verify.h>`, not `#include "verify.h"`).
-- then headers from src/ with double quotes (`#include "getargs.h"`).
-Keep headers sorted alphabetically in each section.
-See also the [Header
-and the [Implementation
-nodes of the gnulib documentation.
-Some source files are in the build tree (e.g., `src/scan-gram.c` made from
-`src/scan-gram.l`).  For them to find the headers from `src/`, we actually
-use `#include "src/getargs.h"` instead of `#include "getargs.h"`---that
-saves us from additional `-I` flags.
-### Skeletons
-We try to use the "typical" coding style for each language.
-#### CPP
-We indent the CPP directives this way:
-#if FOO
-# if BAR
-#  define BAZ
-# endif
-Don't indent with leading spaces in the skeletons (it's OK in the grammar
-files though, e.g., in `%code {...}` blocks).
-On occasions, use `cppi -c` to see where we stand.  We don't aim at full
-correctness: depending `-d`, some bits can be in the *.c file, or the *.h
-file within the double-inclusion cpp-guards.  In that case, favor the case
-of the *.h file, but don't waste time on this.
-Don't hesitate to leave a comment on the `#endif` (e.g., `#endif /* FOO
-*/`), especially for long blocks.
-There is no consistency on `! defined` vs. `!defined`.  The day gnulib
-decides, we'll follow them.
-#### C/C++
-Follow the GNU Coding Standards.
-The `glr.c` skeleton was implemented with `camlCase`.  We are migrating it
-to `snake_case`.  Because we are standardizing the code, it is currently
-Use `YYFOO` and `yyfoo` for entities that are exposed to the user.  They are
-part of our contract with the users wrt backward compatibility.
-Use `YY_FOO` and `yy_foo` for private matters.  Users should not use them,
-we are free to change them without fear of backward compatibility issues.
-Use `*_t` for types, especially for `yy*_t` in which case we shouldn't worry
-about the C standard introducing such a name.
-#### C++
-Follow the C++ Core Guidelines
-(  The Google
-ones may be interesting too
-Our enumerators, such as the kinds (symbol and token kinds), should be lower
-case, but it was too late to follow that track for token kinds, and symbol
-kind enumerators are made to be consistent with them.
-Use `*_type` for type aliases.  Use `foo_get()` and `foo_set(v)` for
-accessors, or simply `foo()` and `foo(v)`.
-Use the `yy` prefix for private stuff, but there's no need for it in the
-public API.  The `yy` prefix is already taken care of via the namespace.
-#### Java
-We follow
-and  Unfortunately at
-some point some GNU Coding Style was installed in Java, but it's an error.
-So we should for instance stop putting spaces in function calls.  Because we
-are standardizing the code, it is currently inconsistent.
-Use a 2-space indentation (Google) rather than 4 (Oracle).
-Don't use the "yy" prefix for public members: "getExpectedTokens", not
-"yyexpectedTokens" or "yygetExpectedTokens".
-## Commit Messages
-Imitate the style we use.  Use `git log` to get sources of inspiration.
-If the changes have a small impact on Bison's generated parser, embed these
-changes in the commit itself.  If the impact is large, first push all the
-changes except those about src/parse-gram.[ch], and then another commit
-named "regen" which is only about them.
-## Debugging
-Bison supports tracing of its various steps, via the `--trace` option.
-Since it is not meant for the end user, it is not displayed by `bison
---help`, nor is it documented in the manual.  Instead, run `bison
-## Documentation
-Use `@option` for options and options with their argument if they have no
-space (e.g., `@option{-Dfoo=bar}`).  However, use `@samp` elsewhere (e.g.,
-`@samp{-I foo}`).
 Working from the Repository
@@ -357,6 +178,196 @@ version, compile bison, then force it to recreate the 
     $ make -C _build
+## If you incorporate a change from somebody on the net:
+First, if it is a large change, you must make sure they have signed the
+appropriate paperwork.  Second, be sure to add their name and email address
+## If a change fixes a test, mention the test in the commit message.
+## Bug reports
+If somebody reports a new bug, mention his name in the commit message and in
+the test case you write.  Put him into THANKS.
+The correct response to most actual bugs is to write a new test case which
+demonstrates the bug.  Then fix the bug, re-run the test suite, and check
+everything in.
+## Visible Changes
+Which include serious bug fixes, must be mentioned in NEWS.
+## Translations
+Only user visible strings are to be translated: error messages, bits of the
+.output file etc.  This excludes impossible error messages (comparable to
+assert/abort), and all the --trace output which is meant for the maintainers
+## Vocabulary
+- "nonterminal", not "variable" or "non-terminal" or "non terminal".
+  Abbreviated as "nterm".
+- "shift/reduce" and "reduce/reduce", not "shift-reduce" or "shift reduce",
+  etc.
+## Syntax Highlighting
+It's quite nice to be in C++ mode when editing for instance.
+However tools such as Emacs will be fooled by the fact that braces and
+parens do not nest, as in `[[}]]`.  As a consequence you might be misguided
+by its visual pairing to parens.  The m4-mode is safer.  Unfortunately the
+m4-mode is also fooled by `#` which is sees as a comment, stops pairing with
+parens/brackets that are inside...
+## Implementation Notes
+There are several places with interesting details about the implementation:
+- [Understanding C parsers generated by GNU
+Bison]( by Satya Kiran Popuri,
+is a wonderful piece of work that explains the implementation of Bison,
+- [src/gram.h](src/gram.h) documents the way the grammar is represented
+- [src/tables.h](src/tables.h) documents the generated tables
+- [data/](data/ contains details about the m4 implementation
+## Coding Style
+Do not add horizontal tab characters to any file in Bison's repository
+except where required.  For example, do not use tabs to format C code.
+However, make files, ChangeLog, and some regular expressions require tabs.
+Also, test cases might need to contain tabs to check that Bison properly
+processes tabs in its input.
+Prefer `res` as the name of the local variable that will be "return"ed by
+the function.
+### Bison
+Follow the GNU Coding Standards.
+Don't reinvent the wheel: we use gnulib, which features many components.
+Actually, Bison has legacy code that we should replace with gnulib modules
+(e.g., many ad hoc implementations of lists).
+#### Includes
+The `#include` directives follow an order:
+- first section for *.c files is `<config.h>`.  Don't include it in header
+  files
+- then, for *.c files, the corresponding *.h file
+- then possibly the `"system.h"` header
+- then the system headers.
+  Consider headers from `lib/` like system headers (i.e., `#include
+  <verify.h>`, not `#include "verify.h"`).
+- then headers from src/ with double quotes (`#include "getargs.h"`).
+Keep headers sorted alphabetically in each section.
+See also the [Header
+and the [Implementation
+nodes of the gnulib documentation.
+Some source files are in the build tree (e.g., `src/scan-gram.c` made from
+`src/scan-gram.l`).  For them to find the headers from `src/`, we actually
+use `#include "src/getargs.h"` instead of `#include "getargs.h"`---that
+saves us from additional `-I` flags.
+### Skeletons
+We try to use the "typical" coding style for each language.
+#### CPP
+We indent the CPP directives this way:
+#if FOO
+# if BAR
+#  define BAZ
+# endif
+Don't indent with leading spaces in the skeletons (it's OK in the grammar
+files though, e.g., in `%code {...}` blocks).
+On occasions, use `cppi -c` to see where we stand.  We don't aim at full
+correctness: depending `-d`, some bits can be in the *.c file, or the *.h
+file within the double-inclusion cpp-guards.  In that case, favor the case
+of the *.h file, but don't waste time on this.
+Don't hesitate to leave a comment on the `#endif` (e.g., `#endif /* FOO
+*/`), especially for long blocks.
+There is no consistency on `! defined` vs. `!defined`.  The day gnulib
+decides, we'll follow them.
+#### C/C++
+Follow the GNU Coding Standards.
+The `glr.c` skeleton was implemented with `camlCase`.  We are migrating it
+to `snake_case`.  Because we are gradually standardizing the code, it is
+currently inconsistent.
+Use `YYFOO` and `yyfoo` for entities that are exposed to the user.  They are
+part of our contract with the users wrt backward compatibility.
+Use `YY_FOO` and `yy_foo` for private matters.  Users should not use them,
+we are free to change them without fear of backward compatibility issues.
+Use `*_t` for types, especially for `yy*_t` in which case we shouldn't worry
+about the C standard introducing such a name.
+#### C++
+Follow the [C++ Core
+The [Google ones]( may be
+interesting too.
+Our enumerators, such as the kinds (symbol and token kinds), should be lower
+case, but it was too late to follow that track for token kinds, and symbol
+kind enumerators are made to be consistent with them.
+Use `*_type` for type aliases.  Use `foo_get()` and `foo_set(v)` for
+accessors, or simply `foo()` and `foo(v)`.
+Use the `yy` prefix for private stuff, but there's no need for it in the
+public API.  The `yy` prefix is already taken care of via the namespace.
+#### Java
+We follow the [Java Code
+and [Google Java Style
+Guide](  Unfortunately
+at some point some GNU Coding Style was installed in Java, but it's an
+error.  So we should for instance stop putting spaces in function calls.
+Because we are standardizing the code, it is currently inconsistent.
+Use a 2-space indentation (Google) rather than 4 (Oracle).
+Don't use the "yy" prefix for public members: "getExpectedTokens", not
+"yyexpectedTokens" or "yygetExpectedTokens".
+## Commit Messages
+Imitate the style we use.  Use `git log` to get sources of inspiration.
+If the changes have a small impact on Bison's generated parser, embed these
+changes in the commit itself.  If the impact is large, first push all the
+changes except those about src/parse-gram.[ch], and then another commit
+named "regen" which is only about them.
+## Debugging
+Bison supports tracing of its various steps, via the `--trace` option.
+Since it is not meant for the end user, it is not displayed by `bison
+--help`, nor is it documented in the manual.  Instead, run `bison
+## Documentation
+Use `@option` for options and options with their argument if they have no
+space (e.g., `@option{-Dfoo=bar}`).  However, use `@samp` elsewhere (e.g.,
+`@samp{-I foo}`).
 Test Suite
@@ -366,9 +377,9 @@ examples, and the main test suite.
 ### The Examples
 In examples/, there is a number of ready-to-use examples (see
-examples/  These examples have small test suites run by `make
-check`.  The test results are in local `*.log` files (e.g.,
+[examples/](examples/  These examples have small test
+suites run by `make check`.  The test results are in local `*.log` files
+(e.g., `$build/examples/c/calc/calc.log`).
 ### The Main Test Suite
 The main test suite, in tests/, is written on top of GNU Autotest, which is
@@ -548,7 +559,8 @@ re-run the tests, run:
 Release Procedure
-See README-release.
+See the [README-release file](README-release), created when the package is
diff --git a/data/ b/data/
index 95140216..a1ad397f 100644
--- a/data/
+++ b/data/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 This directory contains data needed by Bison.
-# Directory content
+# Directory Content
 ## Skeletons
 Bison skeletons: the general shapes of the different parser kinds, that are
 specialized for specific grammars by the bison program.
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ various formats.
 - xml2xhtml.xsl
   Conversion into XHTML.
-# Implementation note about the skeletons
+# Implementation Notes About the Skeletons
 "Skeleton" in Bison parlance means "backend": a skeleton is fed by the bison
 executable with LR tables, facts about the symbols, etc. and they generate
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ The data corresponding to the symbol `#POS`, where the 
current rule has
 Expansion of `$<TYPE>POS`, where the current rule has `RULE-LENGTH` symbols
 on RHS.
 Local Variables:
 mode: markdown
@@ -203,3 +203,5 @@ GNU General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this program.  If not, see <>.

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