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[Bouquins-dev] Success, wing valve

From: Numbers Jacobson
Subject: [Bouquins-dev] Success, wing valve
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 10:37:45 -0060

Your cre dit doesn't matter to us! If you OWN real est ate
and want IMMEDIATEP cash to spend ANY way you like, or simply wish 
to LOWER your monthly paym ents by a third or more, here are the dea ls
we have TODAY (hurry, these ofers will expre TONIGHT):

$488,000.00 at a 3.67,% fixed-rate1
$372,000.00 at a 3.90,% variable-rateE
$492,000.00 at a 3.21,% interest-onlyG
$248,000.00 at a 3.36,% fixed-rateG
$198,000.00 at a 3.55,% variable-rate7

Hurry, when these deals are gone, they are gone Simply fill out this one-min 
ute form... 

Don't worry about approval, your cre dit will not disqualify you!

they're not granted, it's all over for you!"
     He really was interested  in what  such  a young boy, a  schoolboy just

very thought, which was  irrational and unnatural, of  laying a path between
the  sweat  break out  on  her  shoulder against his.  They  lay  there  and
heard of the Currigan Labs? There's this little private supplier.. . So they

     Arthur  propped himself up, stuck his arm under  the truck,  and pulled
Fool that  he was, he  kept  pushing hope away, trampling on it, mocking it,
willows were dry and  rotten. Redrick looked around, but for  now everything
mother nor her father. And that  spot there was Arthur Burbridge, unlike his

face once more.
winking among  yourselves, and leading me by  the nose, dragging me, hauling

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