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[bug-anubis] [QUESTION] Does msg2smtp.pl support the STARTTLS command?

From: Daniel S. Haischt
Subject: [bug-anubis] [QUESTION] Does msg2smtp.pl support the STARTTLS command?
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 16:31:16 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird 0.6 (Windows/20040502)


I want to connect to a SSL/TLS enabled SMTP server
via msg2smtp.pl using Mutt.

Does the msg2smtp.pl script support the STARTTLS


Mit freundlichen Gruessen / With kind regards

Daniel S. Haischt   | phone:    +49 -7032-992909
Grabenstrasse 11    |           +49 -700-DHAISCHT
                    | fax:      +49 -7032-992910
D-71083 Herrenberg  | fax2mail: +49 -7032-7999738
GERMANY             | cell:     +49 -172-7668936

email: address@hidden
web:   http://www.daniel.stefan.haischt.name/

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