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Missing feature for distcheck rule

From: Philip Willoughby
Subject: Missing feature for distcheck rule
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 18:43:31 +0100 (BST)

I need to be able to pass some arguments to configure when it is run as
part of make distcheck, but there does not seem to be any way to do this.

In case you're wondering, I'm trying to get distcheck to work for a library
that layers on top of another library.  We do not wish to include the lower
library in the higher library package since it gives us more maintenance
overhead.  We have an argument to configure `--with-lower-lib-prefix=<path>'
which basically tells the higher level library to add -I<path>/include to

We need to be able to pass this same argument through to make distcheck's
configure so that make distcheck works, in order that even for people who
cannot install libraries system-wide can assist us in development.

Any help is appreciated, please send ideas to this address, and

Thanks in advance,


Philip Willoughby

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