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bug#48188: Manual: Multiple outputs

From: Karl Berry
Subject: bug#48188: Manual: Multiple outputs
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2021 19:21:39 -0600

Getting back to this automake doc report from May ...

    > > 
https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/html_node/Multiple-Outputs.html ) 
    fh> > More importantly (at least to me), the final paragraph of the page
    fh> > should really be first. 

I agree. Moved.

    ps> This example is wrong.  You need the data.h target to have a recipe

Thanks. Deleted incorrect example.

Closing bug. --thanks, karl.

P.S. I wish there was a clean (non-gmake-only) solution for multiple
outputs that did actually meet all the desiderata. So far as I can
tell from reading that page, there isn't.

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