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Re: [50 character or so descriptive subject here (for reference)]

From: Aaron Crane
Subject: Re: [50 character or so descriptive subject here (for reference)]
Date: 17 Mar 2001 10:59:48 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.0803 (Gnus v5.8.3) XEmacs/21.1 (Capitol Reef)

In article <200103170757.f2H7vZU30431@hitchhiker.org.lu>,
Alain.Knaff@hitchhiker.org.lu (Alain Knaff) writes:
> Description:
>       Bash clears SSH_CLIENT environment variable on startup

It doesn't clear that variable, but it does unexport it if it thinks it was
called by sshd with a non-interactive command to run.  When it does so, it
also reads your .bashrc file.  So a simple workaround is to add

    export SSH_CLIENT

to your .bashrc file.

I have no comment on whether this unexporting behaviour is actually

Aaron Crane

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