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Re: Odd behaviour on Bash 2.04 and 2.05

From: yap_noel
Subject: Re: Odd behaviour on Bash 2.04 and 2.05
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 16:40:45 -0400

Ooh, I think I understand this one.

Whenever you do this, you define a function ':' (that recursively calls
itself twice in the background) then you call that function.  Can the gurus
confirm this?

Don't do this, it'll bring down any system, not just Linux.



A friend of mine stumbled over a sequence of characters with which he could
easily take down a running Debian and Suse (7.2) Linux 2.4 system.

Problem description:

- Login in to Linux, start bash if it's not default already, and enter the
following bogus command:

:(){ :|:&};:

- Press enter a couple of times, wait, and after a while you will get:

bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
bash: pipe error: Too many open files in system
bash: pipe error: Too many open files in system
bash: pipe error: Too many open files in system
bash: pipe error: Too many open files in system
indefinetly until your linux box runs out of swap space and needs to be

Tested on:
GNU bash, version 2.05.0(1)-release (i386-suse-linux)
Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

GNU bash, version 2.04.0(1)-release (i386-suse-linux)
Copyright 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Is this problem specific to Suse? Is it a possible bug?


ps: Please CC me for replies as I am not on the list/newsgroup

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