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Re: launched by rungetty bash breaks terminal input interpretation upon

From: Dumas Patrice
Subject: Re: launched by rungetty bash breaks terminal input interpretation upon runlevel change
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 19:50:25 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 01:09:03PM -0500, Paul Jarc wrote:
> Dumas Patrice <dumas@centre-cired.fr> wrote:
> > in the struct utmp, which is set by getty without reference to the id,
> > but looking at the command line argument.
> Right, but getty only handles half of the accounting, at login.  init
> handles the other half at logout, and it uses the inittab id field to
> find the record it's supposed to clean up.

Yes, but if I am not wrong, init doesn't use the utmp record to find that a
process has to be killed, but some information in memory.

> It can work if you don't use utmp accounting at all.  But right now,
> you do have utmp accounting, and it's wrong.  So that might be
> contributing to your problem somehow.

I checked, it seems that I don't have any utmp accounting, as I have nothing 
in /var/run and most of the filesystem is read-only (except /tmp and 
some files/dir linked to /tmp, like /var). 

(init cannot initialize utmp as there is no /var/run directory, only /var. 
The /var/run directory is created afterwards by a rc script...)
Of course the runlevel command returns "unknown"...  


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