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The Certain Way -- 9 September 2003

From: Rebecca Fine
Subject: The Certain Way -- 9 September 2003
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 03:59:58 -0400

      Check out the REWARD potential for reading right away!

 * Change of Address & Unsubscribe links at end of newsletter. *

                    THE * CERTAIN * WAY (tm)
     “Change your mind. Change your life. Change the world.”

9 September 2003 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ISSN:1529-3483

    Published monthly for The Science of Getting Rich Network
                         by Rebecca Fine


In this edition ...

   1. Welcome!
   2. Right-To-The-Point Quotations
   3. This Edition's “Ethical Bribe” for PROMPT Readers
      (See if YOU Get Last Month's Prize!)
   4. FEATURE: What's Your Story?
   5. Certain Way Readers Say ...
   6. Wrap-Up: A BIG Tap on The Shoulder


This time out we get to welcome readers in Bangladesh, Moldova,
Morocco, and Ukraine -- which means that you now have Certain Way
friends and family in 118 COUNTRIES, A to Z:

   Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates ... Angola ... Argentina ...
   Aruba ... Ascension Island ... Australia ... Austria ...
   Bahamas ... Bangladesh ... Barbados ... Belgium ... Belize ...
   Bermuda ... Bolivia ... Bosnia-Herzogovina ... Botswana ...
   Brazil ... Brunei ... Cameroon ... Canada ... Cayman Islands
   ... Chile  ... China ... Colombia ... Costa Rica ... Croatia
   ... Cyprus ... Czech Republic ... Denmark ... Dominican
   Republic ... Dubai, United Arab Emirates ... Ecuador ...
   England ... Eritrea ... Ethiopia ... Finland ... France ...
   Germany ... Ghana ... Greece ... Grenada ... Guatemala ...
   Honduras ... Hong Kong ... Hungary ... Iceland ... India ...
   Indonesia ... Iran ... Ireland ... Israel ... Italy ...
   Jamaica ... Japan ... Kenya ... Latvia ... Lebanon ...
   Lithuania ... Luxembourg ... Macedonia ... Malawi ... Malaysia
   ... Malta ... Mauritius ... Mexico ... Moldova ... Morocco ...
   Namibia ... Nepal ... The Netherlands ... Netherlands Antilles
   (Bonair) ... New Caledonia ... New Zealand ... Nicaragua ...
   Ni*geria ... Norway ... Pakistan ... Panama ... Papua New
   Guinea ... The Philippines ... Poland ... Portugal ... Puerto
   Rico (US) ... Romania ... Russia ... Saudi Arabia ... Scotland
   ... Singapore ... Slovakia ... Slovenia ... South Africa ...
   South Korea ... Spain ... Sri Lanka ... St. Kitts & Nevis ...
   St. Lucia ... Swaziland ... Sweden ... Switzerland ... Tahiti
   ... Taiwan ... Tanzania ... Thailand ... Trinidad & Tobago ...
   Turkey ... Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus ... Uganda ...
   Ukraine ... United Kingdom ... United States ... Uruguay ...
   Vanuatu ... Venezuela ...  Vietnam ... Wales ... Yugoslavia
   ... Zambia ... Zimbabwe!

Welcome to all our new readers! And a HUGE thank-you to all you
"old" ones for helping spread this wonderful book all over the

If I've left out YOUR part of the world, please send a quick
email to let me know: rebeccafine@scienceofgettingrich.net .

(Don't just hit "Reply." That email will vanish into the wilds of
the internet, never to be read by a human being ...)  ;-)



"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it

   --Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Every problem has in it the seed of its own solution. If you
have no problems, you don't have any seeds."

   --Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out
of life is this: decide what you want."

   --Ben Stein


   (Find out if YOU get LAST edition's prize!)

Each month, there's something of interest and value available to
those who follow Mr. Wattles's advice to "act now" and read this
ezine right away instead of putting it aside 'til later.

All you have to do to play the game and perhaps receive a prize
is answer a simple question -- and the answer is tucked away
SOMEWHERE in ... here!


You could soon find yourself listening to the HUGE 32-cassette
tape series, "Wealth & Wisdom: How To Create More Money, Love,
and Happiness in Your Life!"

This tape set carries a regular price of $697 and was recorded
live at a three-day intensive, with presentations from Corey
Rudl, Robert G. Allen, Jay Abraham, Cheri Huber, Tom Antion, T.
Harv Eker, and others.

(I've attended the live events myself, so I know you're in for a

To register yourself for the drawing, follow these THREE steps:

1. Send an email to the address below by midnight (Pacific
Daylight Time), Friday, September 12:


   (Do NOT hit “reply” -- it will vanish into cyberspace.)

2. Be sure to include your real name and your
   snail mail address.

3. Be sure to include your ANSWER to this simple
   question (the answer is in this edition and
   you'll understand it by READING!) ;-D

-> Question: What's the per-hour cost to rent an aerobatic 
airplane in Western Australia?


CONGRATULATIONS to the following 25 readers who will be receiving
copies of the fascinating best-seller, Conversations with
Millionaires, by Mike Litman and Jason Oman:

   Lahar Goldberg in Makawao, Hawaii, USA
   Danny O'Brien in Prineville, Georgia, USA
   David Campbell in Paisley, Scotland
   Norbert Schuerpf in Esslingen, Switzerland
   Akin Solarin in Mainz, Germany
   Gerson Martinez in Los Angeles, California, USA
   Gerard Mohamed in Panorama, South Africa
   Keith Zalinger in West Haven, Connecticut, USA
   Matthew Cartwright in Monread, Naas, County Kildare, Ireland
   Ilana Lydia in Phoenix, Arizona, USA
   Denys Laurence in Correns, France
   Jane Namugenyi in Kampala, Uganda
   June Keriri in Nairobi, Kenya
   Pemo Theodore in Dublin, Ireland
   Jeanette Smith in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA
   Dawn Sampson in Lompoc, California, USA
   David Gray in Nelson, British Columbia, Canada
   Leslie Raznick in Seattle, Washington, USA
   Jennifer Longdon in Phoenix, Arizona, USA
   Donna Stewart in Pauanui, New Zealand
   Nicole Forêt in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
   Sunny Walker in Denver, Colorado, USA
   Dianne Lessa in Littleton, Massachusetts, USA
   Stephanie Martinis in Gallo Manor, South Africa
   Zita Adomaitiene in Vilnius, Lithuania

(That book kept me up almost all night, so be sure to get plenty
of rest before the mail arrives!)



Every day I get to read wonderful success stories from Certain
Way readers who have taken Mr. Wattles' remarkable little book to
heart and are transforming their lives by following his advice
and shifting their attitudes, focus, thinking -- and the actions
that follow.

This month, instead of our usual feature article, you get to
"listen in" to half a dozen recent accounts of greatly increased
incomes, fabulous new opportunities, win-win solutions to
problems, expanded peace of mind and satisfaction, the
"miraculous" arrival of necessities (and other things desired),
and more.

This is just a small sampling, but we'll continue doing this from
time to time -- and you can always find more delightful first-
person reports on the SOGR NETwork Discussion Forum, too.





My ex-husband left the country for a few months, saying he's
getting training for a future job he'll have back here (at an
unknown time in the future). I met this announcement with fear
and worry that he would not keep paying child support and that I
would not have enough to support myself and my daughter without

   (Blinking warning light! Change that lack

I managed to turn that around consciously and wish him success
and good luck and TRUST that he would meet his obligations. More
importantly, I just saw myself as capable of taking care of us
without his help.

   (We live in Israel, and I could have easily
   attained a stay order preventing him from
   leaving the country when he owes child
   support, but to everyone who suggested that,
   I said that I wished him well wherever he
   went and that I had all I needed, thank you).

He's been gone two months and no money came in for July or
August. I have to admit I had some fear and resentment tied up in
that fact ...

Today I got an email from him saying that a sum that more than
covers what he owes from the past two months, plus September's
payment would be transferred to my account tomorrow.

My first reaction was a tense stomach just at the sight of his
email, and after reading it my second reaction was doubt that the
money transfer would really happen. Then I caught my negative
thinking/feeling and purposely and consciously turned it around.

I closed my eyes and remembered some really good times when he
was supportive and kind and loving, and pictured him with our
daughter whom he adores. I wrote out on paper that he is a
trustworthy and honest man and that I wish him happiness and
peace. I left my desk and went outside in the sunshine and found
lots of things to appreciate and feel good about and tried to
overlay that feeling onto the thought of his email (which
contained "good news" -- it was only my reaction that had been

Then I went back in to work and forgot about it.

   At 11 am (three hours after I first saw the
   email) I got a call from the bank telling me
   that the amount he'd mentioned plus a little
   MORE had been transferred to my account --


Does anyone think I might have manifested that by turning my
thinking around, or that it might have been delayed or not have
happened at all if I'd stayed in my fear and doubt mode?

Well, *I* think so!

Just wanted to share that with you all.


PS: I feel that some of you reading this will think that we are
already in a good financial position. We are just an ordinary
family. We decided three years ago that we wanted to get ahead.
We stopped spending and trying to have what everyone else around
us has. We have a very old car, second-hand everything. But we
worked slowly on paying off debts (other than mortgage). We were
in this mindset when I came across the SOGR book -- that is why I
say that it came at a good time.

Opportunities are now presenting themselves to us in the form of
people, information, etc., and this has helped us to make
decisions that have changed our lives in so many ways. It has not
been easy, but when you have absolute faith then it is so much
easier to take a chance ...

What I'm trying to say is some of you want overnight riches and
if it doesn't happen straight away you may start thinking that
this doesn't work. It's working for me and I know that it will
work for you to at the appropriate pace. Wishing for you success,
prosperity and true happiness.

   --JODY in Haifa, Israel



I thought I’d share a small incident with all of you -- a small
SOGR success story you could say.

I’ve been wanting a printer for a while now, and I thought it was
a good time to prove SOGR to myself. So I right away started
visualizing one. It wasn’t the clearest of visions, but I knew I
wanted a printer. I also went to a couple of computer stores,
checked out the models, prices, etc., and even read a lot of
reviews on the 'net (ACTION, as Wally puts it).

After finally deciding on EXACTLY what I wanted (and I decided on
a high end model even though I personally couldn’t really afford
it), I decided to ask my sister for the printer. She said no
straight out, and to be honest I stopped visualizing after that.

   But after a couple of weeks my cousin called
   me up and ... said [a new printer] would save
   a lot of time and money for our business --
   it’s a family business; we run a restaurant
   -- and he told me to give him the model
   number and that he would get the printer for
   me (!).

A week after that I got a new printer. It wasn’t the one I had
visualized. It was something way more better. It was an
all-in-one. My sister-in-law convinced my sister somehow to buy
an all-in-one. I still don’t know why she did that. The printer
was as good as the one I had visualized, but it also had with it
a scanner and copier.

Talk about abundance!

Was it a coincidence? I don’t think so.

   --ARVIND in Bangalore, Karnataka, India



When I stumbled across The Science of Getting Rich, it came in
direct response to a frustrated and desperate plea to that
thinking substance (if it really existed) to help me understand
what life was all about and what my specific purpose is.

Like many of us, I had read loads of self-help stuff and tried
many different methods, all to no avail. And the reason they
didn't work, as I now understand, is that I had no idea what I

I knew what I *didn't* want, but in answer to the burning
question "If you had all the money in the world what would you
do?" my mind was a complete blank. Well, not actually blank, but
none of the ideas that occurred to me seemed to have any
particular spark.

I am one of those people that do a number of things well, ranging
from art to science so I had plenty of scope for my imagination,
but no one thing really turned me on.

You know what I mean: "If I could do anything at all, what would
make me want to leap out of bed every morning to get back at it?"

The answer seemed to elude me completely. More frustration, more
guilt, more thinking I must be stupid or weird or something.

Much envy toward those people that had "always" wanted to be a
doctor or an artist or a teacher or a nurse. I am sure you know
exactly what I am talking about here.

So what happened? Well perhaps I could show you rather than try
and explain it.

After reading SOGR every day for the first month and referring
back to it constantly during each of those days here is what I

1. I accepted that it was OK not to know.

2. I made my vision all about seeing myself discovering my true
purpose and I experienced it as fully and with as much feeling as
I could manage in my imagination.

3. I decided that the key was having "faith" but until I met
Rebecca and Wally D. I was completely unaware that one can
develop faith through "gratitude." So I got very grateful -- for
everything I could think of every night before I slept, each
morning when I got up, and every time I thought of it every day.

4. I memorized the credo at the end of the SOGR (Chapter 17) --
meaning that every night I would try to say aloud a little bit
more without looking at the printed copy by my bed until finally
I could say the whole thing from memory.

5. I got to work -- meaning that I did every task I needed to
accomplish each day with as much focused effort and as
efficiently and perfectly as I wanted everything in my new life
to be.

6. I tried at every opportunity to share the advancing thought
with everyone I met during each day whether via email, by
telephone or the waitress in the coffee shop: I smiled a lot more
and tried to make everyone else around me feel good in some way,
and I remembered to be grateful for it all.

Here is what happened:

1) Doubled my income -- a direct result of my right action.

2) Formed a new company doing what I really love to do -- a
result of having my true purpose made clear. This took just over
a year.

3) Formed an ebook publication partnership -- because I needed to
help others achieve success online and had the knowledge to
share. And again, right action: I actually wrote a book on it, 

4) I developed a personal friendship with a fellow Sogger (SOGR
enthusiast) from which we have created and are building another
business that helps others grow and change ...

Not bad for someone who just over a year ago was wallowing around
in self-pity and confusion and totally unhappy and frustrated
with my life in general and myself in particular.

   --CHRIS in Comox, British Columbia, Canada



I am an avid pilot, and love to fly aerobatics in our beautiful
blue skies above Perth where I live. But the $180 per hour needed
has stopped me for a long while as I focused on "making money" so
I could fly.

After doing the first half of this [SOGR for Practical
GeniusesTM] course, I decided that what I REALLY wanted to do was
FLY, NOT earn the money to fly. So I focused my vision on flying.

In the past three weeks I have flown three hours at NO COST to
me. Others have been happy to pay for the hire of the aircraft
for me to take them for a flight.

Go for what you want -- money is only good for the experiences it
helps you achieve.

   --MARTIN in Perth, Western Australia



Some of you may remember me posting recently about having real
estate that is facing foreclosure. Well, the story continues and
it is getting better!

About a week or 10 days ago a thought occurred to me for the
first time. (I have been trying to sell this house for eight
months!) The thought was this:

"What we need is to find the person who would be really happy
that house. There has got to be someone out there who would be
tickled to get it. I think someone ought to make us a full-price
offer because this house is a good buy at that price."

   It's important to know that for the past
   eight months, all my thoughts surrounding the
   house had been bordering on dread and

Well, here it is only 10 days after my mental attitude has
changed, four days after overcoming my fear of renting the house,
and only one day after I took the ACTION of placing advertisment
in the paper, and I am talking to one couple about renting the
house and another lady about a lease-purchase agreement!

Thank you, Universe!!!

[A little later, Bronwen came back to continue the story.]

There's more...

After talking to the lease-purchase lady a second time, we made
the following agreement:

She will lease the house for a year and then pay a 3% increase
for the house if she still wants to buy it when the lease is up
next year!

This is the best win-win I think I have ever worked on. Here's

1. Her monthly payments remain affordable for her.

2. She gets to have time in the neighborhood and in the house to
decide if it is right for her.

On my side:

1. The higher purchase price next year will cover the monthly
shortage that I will face throughout the year, and

2. Even if she decides not to buy I will have avoided foreclosure
and earned another year's equity in the house!

It's all good! :-)

   --BRONWEN in Stuart, Florida, USA



I have had fantastic results using your course and Wally's book.
We just returned from a five-week cruise in the British Virgin
Islands on our catamaran -- and there were checks in the mail and
orders for over 200 CDs waiting.

Our income for July and August last year was 0.

   This year August alone was over $4,000, and
   the only work involved was one day delivering
   and collecting.

   We were out sailing and snorkeling and
   drinking beer. I sold over 3,000 CDs during
   our tourist season this year at $8-$16 each,
   and our booking business was up as well.

I have targeted an income of $100,000 for this year, all credit
cards paid, three new CDs and a DVD completed, a 36" waistline. I
did your daily exercises while on the boat ...

I am a 77-year-old musician who has never had a day job or been
on a payroll and never really thought much about getting rich --
lots of considerations about how it might tie me down and create
problems and I did know some unhappy rich people.

But doing it via the creative mind and aligning with the
"thinking stuff" changes all that.

   --DON in Luquillo, Puerto Rico, USA



   "I have the CDs and have really enjoyed
   listening to them. Your narration is very
   pleasant and easy to listen to (but not in
   the 'I can't stop nodding off' sense of some
   books on tape)."

      --Lynda Tew, Houston, Texas, USA


Thanks, Lynda. I'm glad to know the audiobook is NOT a sleeping
aid, especially since so many people listen while driving! ;-)

Now, my friend, get your own two-hour Science of Getting Rich
AUDIOBOOK -- cassettes or CDs -- at:


(There are now PayPal, mail and fax order options in addition to
the regular secure online credit/debit card ones!)



If the personal stories in today's feature weren't enough, listen
up to what SANNA in St. Leonards, New South Wales, Australia,

   "Whenever I feel I need a pick-me-up, I just
   pop over to the discussion board, and have a
   read. It is always so inspiring. Thank you,
   and all the contributors, for that."


My pleasure, Sanna -- and I join you in thanking all the
wonderful people around the world who share their experiences and

So what say YOU, my friend? Someone somewhere needs to hear
exactly what YOU have to say -- whether you have an answer, a
question, or a “Progress Report.”

Continue the cycle of giving and receiving by sharing your own
experiences, ideas, questions, etc. on the Science of Getting
Rich Network Public Discussion Board at:


The new and improved SOGR Discussion Forum features personal
profiles, search, private topics and even a special Forum just
“Practical Geniuses.”

What's a “Practical Genius?” Funny you should ask ;-)  ...



The Science of Getting Rich for Practical GeniusesTM -- the only
online course where you SET YOUR OWN TUITION -- is a great way to
take stock of your prosperity progress and then beef up or
totally transform the results YOU'RE getting.

   Check out this edition's FEATURE ARTICLE for
   some of the exciting results others are
   already experiencing!

Is The Science of Getting Rich for Practical GeniusesTM online
course right for you, too, my friend? Come take a look and judge
for yourself ...




Recently, spammers have harvested every SOGR and Certain Way
email address and have been selling them to other spammers, which
has resulted in a "spam bomb" of mind-boggling proportions: Quite
literally MILLIONS of emails have been pouring into my inbox.

Now, most of these are pure spam, of course, but it's happening
just as the SOGR NETwork web site and The Certain Way have
reached a kind of "critical mass" and are growing like crazy and
my *legitimate* email has also reached new heights.

   "Appearances" are that we've got a big
   problem to deal with.

   But the Truth is that thanks to Certain Way
   readers and the fantastic way you share this
   ezine and the free SOGR ebook download, the
   targets of getting this life-transforming book
   into the hands of at least ONE MILLION people
   and having this ezine reach into EVERY
   country on the planet are beginning to appear
   on the horizon.

So while there IS a big mess to finish cleaning up, that mess is
also a wonderful sign of growth and a BIG tap on the shoulder (as
Buckminster Fuller would have called it). It's a tap that I
appreciate -- and am paying attention to!

If you have emailed me any time in the past couple of months and
not received a response, it's likely that I just haven't found
your email yet OR that it has been inadvertently deleted along
with the spam.

(The problem was apparently happening before it became
unmistakably clear, and "buried" messages are turning up every
day. Just yesterday I personally deleted more than 8,000 spams
and right now I have at least 743 *legitimate* emails left to
answer -- that I know of!)  ;-D

Next week, the "new and improved" system will be in place and
there'll be new people working "behind the scenes" to keep
everything flowing smoothly.

   You'll receive a Certain Way Update with the
   new contact info -- along with another great
   GIFT or two or three or ...   ;-)

So thank you, my friend, for your patience and encouragement as
we move into a new phase of spreading Mr. Wattles' marvelous
message even more widely!

Many blessings to you, and of course --

EXPECT Success!

P.S. In the interest of "efficient action," the big announcement
mentioned in last month's "Update" is on hold until the new
system is up and running (and can handle the response). If you
love The Science of Getting Rich, I know you'll find the
announcement well worth waiting for!

P.P.S. If you missed the August Update -- with some great F R E E
gifts and more -- you can still get all the goodies here:



The Certain WayTM, Practical GeniusTM, and Practical GeniusesTM
are trademarks of Certain Way Productions, Seattle, WA, USA.

Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Certain Way Productions. You are welcome
to forward this entire ezine to friends. Please visit the web
site for articles you may publish and share freely!


If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

reply via email to

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