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PS1 and color

From: Prior Jérôme
Subject: PS1 and color
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 11:07:35 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030903 Thunderbird/0.2

sorry but i didn't find bashbug in my slackware.

I'll try to expose the problem:

in /etc/profile I change the default PS1 to put it in color. I use
\e[1;31m\u@\h \w\e[0m
or ^[[1;31m\u@\h \w\e^[[0m   (^[ is  'alt+v and ESC' )
I try to put some \n in case but the matter persist.

When i use a long command, the caracters don't go on line but cover the prompt.

root@localhost$ cp /svcgc/cqcggers/dgscvs/fgvsdgc/vcsdcwgc/vhsv /vfxvshf/fvs <---normal use

dfcdfgccalhost$ cp /cqfxgq/qxdq/qxgdxqsd/cqdfxqs/cqdgxq/xcqdxq/xqxqgxq/q
<--with color after a command which be longer than the line

So i can't use color for my prompt.

thx for an answer.


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