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Mail Interception: incoming E-mail contained a virus

From: UCSD virus scanner
Subject: Mail Interception: incoming E-mail contained a virus
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 06:34:18 -0700 (PDT)

  This is a message from the UCSD E-Mail Virus Protection Service

Our virus scanner indicates that an attachment or part of an E-mail
message addressed to you was infected with a virus, so THAT part of
the message has been removed from your mail.

This does NOT mean that your computer has a virus.

The rest of the original message is enclosed below.

The *INFECTED* attachment file is being held in quarantine.

If you do not want this file, you need do nothing
further and it will be destroyed automatically after 30 days.

The mail scanner program may (rarely) remove a valid attachment to a
message, part of which coincidently resembled a known virus.  If you need to
retrieve a removed message part, please read the following:

The attachment you download is likely to still be infected.
Please use EXTREME CARE in handling it.

To download the attachment, please use your browser to access:

Message part originally titled ""
has been quarantined and is retrievable at
   (scan reported VIRUS Troj/Hackarmy-A Found in file ./dfi5LDY9wV039405)

If you do not have a Web browser, you may use anonymous FTP to
connect to FTP.UCSD.Edu and GET the file directly.


The /quarantine directory cannot be listed, so you must
specifically retrieve the file by the name given above.

Note that in all cases the file name of the original attachment has
been changed, and the file contents compressed with GNUZip. This
was done to help prevent it from infecting your system automatically
should you actually download it.

The original message headers and the uninfected portion of the
contents follow.  Please remember that the To: and From: addresses in
infected E-mail are often forgeries.  It is not unusual for the author
or site shown in the message to have no knowledge nor actual
responsibility for the message you received.

Following the original message (below), there is a technical data summary
which contains information our help desk personnel will need if you
call with questions about this interception.


Office of Network Operations
Academic Computing Services
University of California, San Diego
+1 858 534-1857
--- Begin Message --- Subject: CCTV Rape Video 6608 Date: 21 Jun 2004 13:34:09 GMT

--- End Message ---
If you call our helpdesk, please have the following
technical information to hand:

mailscan Version 1.2.8 on mailbox8.ucsd.edu at Mon Jun 21 06:34:18 2004

Scan results for i5LDY9wV039405 Message-ID: 
2 parts: 1 clean, 1 virus, 0 filetrap, 0 error
part   0: CLEAN ./qfi5LDY9wV039405
part   1: VIRUS Troj/Hackarmy-A Found in file ./dfi5LDY9wV039405
        start=0, end=-1

Original Message headers:
> Received: from hunter.news.rcn.net (hunter.news.rcn.net [])
>       by mailbox8.ucsd.edu (8.13.0.Alpha0/8.13.0.Alpha0) with ESMTP id 
> i5LDY9wV039405
>       for <gnu-bash-bug@moderators.isc.org>; Mon, 21 Jun 2004 06:34:10 -0700 
> (PDT)
> Received: from news by hunter.news.rcn.net with local (Exim 2.01 #2)
>       for gnu-bash-bug@moderators.isc.org
>       id 1BcOw5-0007Lm-00; Mon, 21 Jun 2004 09:34:09 -0400
> To: gnu-bash-bug@moderators.isc.org
> From: patrickgoss@cable.rcn.com
> Newsgroups: 
> finet.freenet.partnerit.mannerheimin-lastensuojeluliitto,finet.freenet.partnerit.suomalaisen-tyon-liitto,fj.os.ms-windows.win95,fr.comp.os.ms-windows.win95,gnu.bash.bug,humanities.language.sanskrit,ibm.ibmtext.bookmgr,it.economia.fisco,japan.videogames.h,nctu.adm.general-affs,ntu.dep.zoology,pdaxs.games.rpg,pinnacle.news,primenet.help.news,slac.b-factory.parameters,tw.bbs.comp.mswindows.win95,umn.local-lists.news,uw.cs.cs798d,uwn.local-lists.news,uwp.maillist.yello
> Subject: CCTV Rape Video  6608
> Date: 21 Jun 2004 13:34:09 GMT
> Lines: 453
> Message-ID: <40d6e3d0$0$3005$61fed72c@news.rcn.com>
> X-Trace: 
> DXC=4bABmBT`j9G9ZLjg`m5\UL0R]m=BkYWIG:6bU3OT9S9J;:8SeWe\iX@Q81N]OH\ReO2;TQj\HMVMN5[1QjHcUM4G
> X-Complaints-To: abuse@rcn.com
> Sender: news <news@hunter.news.rcn.net>
> X-Spam-Level: Level *****
> X-Spam-Flag: Spam YES
> X-Spamscanner: mailbox8.ucsd.edu  (v1.4 May 20 2004 13:55:33, 5.7/5.0 2.63)

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