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Re: Bash printf builtin bug

From: Chet Ramey
Subject: Re: Bash printf builtin bug
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 14:08:43 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Macintosh/20050317)

Paul Jarc wrote:
> Chet Ramey <chet@caleb.ins.cwru.edu> wrote:
>>That's what the `--' first argument is for:  don't treat any remaining
>>arguments as possible options.
> Does printf have any options?  If not is there any point in giving an
> error in this case?  ISTM SUSv3 requires the first argument to be a
> format string, regardless of whether it starts with "-".  That's how
> coreutils does it.

The SUSv3 has `none' in the OPTIONS section of the printf description.
The description of that value in the `Utility Description Defaults'
section of the standard requires that commands which accept operands
but not options to recognize `--' and handle it appropriately.

The format string is an operand and is described as such.

The coreutils implementation is not compliant.

``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
( ``Discere est Dolere'' -- chet )
Chet Ramey, ITS, CWRU    chet@case.edu    http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/~chet/

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